Freeing Hearts From Ego Control…

The intent of this article is to offer a mental gift to some people who may have felt like they have been run over by obvious or unseen negative forces, making life miserable.

Before I show you a whole new outlook on life, I ask you to question yourself: where do you believe you live in your mental mind, the heart or the ego?  Do you know or understand the differences?  Perhaps what I am about to suggest doesn’t make sense because you’ve never experienced heart/ego conflict, or you cannot relate because your own balanced brain has been developed to feel fine in the world with everyone.  You would be a very blessed person indeed!

I know I lived in the extreme end of heart for my first 50 years.  Abused, neglected, and barely tolerated I took on the same imagination everyone else had of me, instead of believing in myself.  After playing along with self-neglect I finally found a way to re-learn who and what I was really all about – and why I was so miserably unhappy.  Once I figured out I had given my free life away to someone else’s policies I trained my mind to protect itself, and to cope by practicing a form of ego counterattack.

As a result I am balanced in a way others might want to strive to: sensitive and bullet proof.  Keeping all of my innate gifts I trained my naive heart to protect from manipulation and control.  I may still be fooled for a minute but eventually I’ll regain my own senses when in the orbit of a heart breaker.  Coming to mental awareness with emotional intelligence is empowering awesomeness you’ll want to work toward.


As my work in hypnotherapy evolves I am noticing the emotional minds of sensitive souls are easily stolen for control.  That’s not how I want to roll in my career, I am God to One (me) and as a preferred choice I use the power of hypnosis to get straight to the heart of people rather than mess around with ego brushing.  I believe so much in the resources and talents of everyone’s unconscious mind why would I want anyone dependent on me for their happy life?   People are surprised I don’t actually practice hypnotherapy to brainwash folks, but to deprogram them from unhealthy brainwashing planted before me.  Everything in the ego is learned and can be unlearned.  The heart is the heart and will always be the truth, and it feels better living there than the cold place of ego.

I take liberties with some of the mental health labels many unfortunate souls are living with in this system of chemical imbalance guesses.  As far as I’m concerned pigeonholing is designed to define what is wrong with people who behave outside of norms.  It’s never a good pigeonhole.   I shake my head in dismay witnessing good people judge themselves to be weak, powerless, and sickly based on someone else’s opinion.  The whole mental illness hysteria is growing outrageously out of proportion to me, and if you keep reading you’ll see below I reframe things for a few people who are ready to take their lives back to the calm place of peace in the heart.

How does a person come to a place where they believe they do not have free will to live a life any way they see fit?  Why do so many people agree to live in torturous / uncomfortable situations with minimal rewards?

Abused people often sum up their lack of life-luster thinking a hormone or chemical imbalance is the culprit and try to take care of the problem outside of themselves.  I suggest it is not a chemical imbalance, instead an unconscious awakening of the human senses.  Human senses for survival are the connection to our unconscious so it makes sense for those who suffer habitiual obsessions, eating disorders, migraines, skin problems, and so on are probably reacting very badly to a system that may be harming their spirit.

Mentally ‘sick’ people appear to live in the heart like raw bleeding ducks.  They are kind, empathetic, unassuming (non judgemental).  They mistakenly believe everyone has the same heart.  The opposite to these types (ego dwellers) appear to be mentally strong but almost entirely live in learned conscious mind of entitlement.  These beings flip the world upside down and make it appear that black is white and white is black.  I know I’m not alone in my frustration at the upside down nature of points of view sometimes that appear to be the opposite to any truth I know.  Very strange to witness if you are aware.  The good look bad and the bad look good.  The lying life could drive somebody to insanity or suicide if they don’t come up with a way to reign in their emotions in the face of such social misunderstanding of their own truth, vs. the fantasy of someone else’s imagination.

Mental sickness guesses have changed over the ages to suit traditional and popular thinking of the times.  We have to understand that someone’s theory doesn’t necessarily make the ‘ideas’ true for the individual.  There is no proven scientific evidence of any mental disorder at all, none that can be proven by lab or x-ray, but the best marketers of medicine will spin imaginary horror stories about the mind with shocking fear and shame, having folks believing in things that work against their otherwise good free will.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM – the psychiatric and pharmaceutical flow of ideas updated and replaced annually describing mental diseases they didn’t think of before.   There is no chemical or brain lack proven with any of the ‘mental diseases.’  It’s all guess-work that makes sense to someone else.  What we have now is a trillion-dollar industry in health care – where maybe no health problem existed in the first place?   The left brain academics are proud of the dots they connect to define people and even agree the DSM is used for mind research – not as a cure for mental illness.  This is the description the Psychiatrists Organization start their book off with…

Their (guess makers*) dedication and hard work have yielded an authoritative volume that defines and classifies mental disorders in order to improve diagnoses, treatment, and research.”

*Italics mine)

If we are going to take an authoritative stance and guess about what is wrong with people then let me participate in the fun:

Anxiety: Heightened sense of awareness living in a non aware world.  Senses the heart in others and assumes ego can feel hers. May be conditioned to doubt self and is left with feelings of panic in the confusion.  Needs nourishment of the right brain and validation of feelings: these sensitive souls feel invisible while suffering people’s bad moods as if it were theirs.   Angels in Disguise.

Depression:  Unconsciousness due to a blow to the head, namely on the right side hemisphere. After ages of oppression with little utilizing the creative side of the brain it has shut down into mental darkness for self-protection.

PTSD: Witness or victim of evil violence.  Shocked with a reality that is impossible to digest.  Denied the freedom to speak their truth by outside influences. Tongue cut out.

Bi-Polar:  Energized right brain oriented individual; often creative genius…has insight waking up and feels the joy of their own spirit.  All she wants to do is have fun.  Left brain world can hardly tolerate such excitement for life and labels her sick or bad behaving.  She will unconsciously rebel to the false judgement and often goes into a deep sadness or rage for the misunderstanding.  Very sensitive and intuitive.  Bless her heart she might die by her own hand feeling rejected from a world that does not see her beautiful gifts.

ADHD:  Right brain male child.  They are no different in needs than his female classmates for learning, but have not been as brainwashed to obey commands so much and appear to simply have behavior problems.  Can be labeled learning disabled or gifted, but the gifted part comes from the imagination.  He connects dots like the speed of lightning in the brain and comes up with the right answer often even without studying.  Poor kid can hardly tolerate external energy so finds ways to put self into trance: music, reading, video games, drugs, the allowed creativity in their right brain will help them find a way to survive.  Some become great inventors.

ADD:  Right Brain Male obediently allowing Left Brain Rules against their better spirit.  Won’t be inventing anything until allowed to use creative side of mind.

Borderline Personality Disorder: Person who has likely rarely been validated for her insights, sensitivity, intuition.  Has a lot of self-doubt and is insecure.  Can appear needy – strives for independence to distance herself from the abusive reactions to her being.  Easy Scapegoat. Appears different in thought and intuition, uses the imagination in creative ways.  Intuition is often so correct she scares people, and they don’t know why.  Can explode in a fury of unconscious frustration to the madness she senses externally and yet finds difficult to articulate.  Probably brilliant in a right brain activity.

On the other side of the spectrum is where Ego lives:

Narcissistic Personality Disorder:  Lives almost 100% in the ego mind.  Selfish and greedy minded, unless they are grooming someone for supply.  Jealous of sensitive ones.  Possibly abused with indulgent / neglectful upbringing.  Has found a way to cope by shutting down emotions and focusing only on self.  Extraordinarily manipulative:  Seeks a place of comfort in families, communities, business, and government.  Often the CEO who loves to be centre of attention because he knows he has something to offer the world.  Has lots of followers.

Left brain society value and reward this type way more than right brain emotional because they add some creativity to the logical gang without the emotional baggage of feelings.  Most are well-respected with much credibility even with evidence of low moral character.

NPD don’t like emotions other than anger, false pride, and envy although they may sense an unconscious hint of sadness.  Help is unlikely – there is nothing wrong with them – it’s everyone else’s fault.

If the narcissist cannot control you they seek to control others against you.  Will twist and turn any story into outrageous lies about their target.  Lacks empathy, cannot imagine the plight of others, and may even imagine perverse satisfaction in harming people closest to him.  Passive aggressive to the extreme.  Never means what they say.  Will take until the giver stops giving and not a moment before.  Will tolerate a lot to get what he needs.  Sucks his supply dry until there is nothing left to take.

God-Complex.  I believe this character projects that in the way to manipulate others into obedience (intimidates, scares and shames people with emotional stories).  Reacts negatively to criticism.  Better than everyone.  Will not obey if can get away with it.  Realizes their worth to the earth and ego matters.  Really  believes they are the superior ones.  They are about as spiritually asleep as you can get. Feels invincible in the human body.  We have to stop raising ego’s because these man-made creatures destroy the soul of the sensitive ones, and themselves in the process.

Most of us are very suggestible to emotional manipulation, triggered with fear or shame the vulnerable will believe anything sometimes because they think everyone else has the same good heart as they and wouldn’t lie to them.  People are free to choose to take medication to cover up the unhappiness for giving up their free will, or find another way to live with ego’s.  Ego can never understand the heart, and don’t want to.  The sad thing is some pure hearts are so enslaved they can become inadvertent protectors of the ego person if brainwashed well enough into submission.  They begin to find comfort thinking against others. They are the blind judgy one’s who keep the rules obeyed on behalf of narcissists.

Heart Oriented People – Please Return to Peace of Mental Mind and Spirit –

  • Decide to take back your free will of thinking, feeling and behaving
  • Do no harm to others, but make sure your will is taken care of before a narcissist’s needs take over.
  • If the imagination of yourself is negative give it back to the past and imagine better; perhaps guess who you are and be amazed at the ideas that come.
  • Agree, admit, and live like you are responsible for your own happiness every day  
  • Only you knows you – taking anything personal coming from the outside is like picking up someone else’s mind and adapting it as your own.  Be sure you agree to any judgement against you or brush it off and away from that orbit.
  • Remember we make mistakes but there is no mistake in our belonging to the human race like everyone else.  Be comfortable here.  We animals are smart in finding ways to survive and thrive – in our own skin.  There is nothing wrong with you coming up with ideas for your own good life.
  • End abusive mental thinking.  If someone else’s voice in your head and it sounds mean, harsh, punishing against you – kick that dude out as fast as possible.  The heart does not know the difference between fantasy and reality and will react as if you are feeding it the truth, sometimes leading to implosion of the mind and body.  You were powerless to change the original voice but you can control your own.
  • If these tips feel impossible, agree you want to love and respect yourself.  Begin to pretend you are allowed.  Soon, your unconscious will remember and you’ll build a life as if you believe it.  Work for self rewards not external punishment.
  • Let the chips of your decisions fall where they may, but natural consequences are good enough for the majority of people to guide their own lives.  Don’t let anyone else punish you if you didn’t break any laws.

I think it’s time we revisited all of the hype around life symptoms that can sound sick – or amazingly enlightened.  I suggest each person investigate the engrams of mental or physical problems.  Root cause of emotional disturbance doesn’t seem to be a priority by social government, medical science, pharmaceutical profiteers, or even the individual.  I’m beginning to wonder if people even want to learn their truthful will?  It might be more comfortable giving up purpose to please another who lives in ego state of mind.  To me that feels like submission of free will.  What do you think?

Please comment, like or share – the intent is to incite similar heart-minds to develop the practice of self-love and strength.  Thank you for your support.

Let’s save some lives by approving of all of them.


Cherylann Thomas, B.Sc.Crim., CH,t is a Clinical Hypnotherapist practicing in West Kelowna, British Columbia.  Her seasoned and evolving mental health practice is proven exceptionally effective in treating mental illness and addiction.  Clients emerge from depression, anxiety, dependency – sparking the renewal of happy, comfortable, in control lives.   If you are interested in learning more about mental / spiritual mind symptoms and what they could really be meaning to you as an individual, please visit MMH website for details and hypnotherapy service price list.  The process is lovely, empowering, safe, and it works to reframe the mental pictures of the abused mind for permanent recovery and a healthier, happier life.

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Introducing a Better Way to Imagine…

As I awaken my innate senses I am concerned about the state of mind of the people.  I think they are insane.  Or slaves.

Evidence is flowing in that right brain oppression has created a dark place for much of the population who live in the depression of darkness.  Introducing a sure way to understand for yourself how well you are seeing things.  Sleeping minds can feel lethargic, heavy, unable to see the flowers, or smell the coffee.  Human senses are manipulated negatively by trauma, emotional reaction, and chemicals.  Unsuspecting good people may experience very real issues with their living senses for survival if denied the opportunity of Free Will.

The focus on left brain intelligence where memory, numbers and logic exists to come to a proven scientific conclusion, makes mental pygmies of the people.  We seem to have succumbed to the status quo, against the right brain oriented spirit.  Up to 80% of the population could be right brain hemisphere beings who find it just as difficult to live in a left brain world, as the left handed feel using the right hand or the right hand using the left.  It doesn’t feel good for a reason – it’s not the way they work.  When we finally allow the left handed to use the left hand his work is just as good as any right handed person.  Am I wrong?  Do I make sense to you?  Because this is just coming to me now and making perfect sense – all from my imagination guessing at things.

How depressed would the left-handed person be if they had to use their right hand – because someone else said so?  What kind of work do you think they would produce for you?  

Eventually, when working against the current we are going to get tired, sick and drown. 

Insomnia, sight (losing things right in front of you), hearing, tasting, smelling, hunger, sexual arousal, body temperature and blood pressure senses are affected, as well as many other senses needed for human survival like insight and common sense.  Symptoms will include mental, emotional and spiritual disconnection, low energy and sensations of mental imbalance.  Physically the body can experience IBS, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Migraine Headaches, Insomnia, skin disorders, and worse.  Everything coming from unconscious mind affects the human body experience if the brain is not nurtured, exercised, developed.

Okay, all of that boring negative news we need to know aside, let’s do some brain exploring just for giggles because I know you probably don’t sense a lot of fun every day living in a ‘inside the lines’ world:  

First, give yourself a break. Go get a cookie or a treat of some kind no one else would approve of, and just sit down in a quiet dark place, the bathroom if necessary.  Decide it’s okay to go back in time when you use to play pretend, imaginary games.  At the very least, it can’t hurt.

Allow permission to unwind and relax for three hours or three minutes – the imagination can work at the speed of light, and there are no rules.

Close your eyes and begin to focus on your breathing. Nice regular normal breathing, the same kind you do all day. You don’t want to force anything. It’s all about gentle. Then let yourself sink down into a calm place of comfort. You know how to completely relax, if not, guess or come up with an idea you remember from before. Just go limp.
Brain Check Up:  It’s almost like going in and seeing an x-ray of the right brain hemisphere with state of the art imagination:
Using the mind’s eye pretend you are in a garden. A peaceful heavenly place with a pond, a waterfall, and colour. Or some other place you can come up with better. Focus on light, brightness, and images. If you find it difficult to focus and see things, imagine you are looking into a television, or a theatre, or have mind’s eye magnifying glasses on, just picture a place that pleases you to no end, in your head.
People who can see this picture using the mind’s eye with full living colour are awakened to their journey and you can bet they are highly intuitive and probably developed healers, inventors, artists, genius of some creative kind. Sadly, in most cases right brain neglect and abuse of the imagination will darken this part of the mental mind. Medication, alcohol, drugs, food, abusive habits all create emotional numbness, which will close that garden up all the way to blackness if not intervened by the beholder.
In my work I am finding the more seriously mentally sensitive (anxious to delusional) have the most difficult time seeing with closed eyes. They don’t know they live in the dark and so how would they think to figure a way out? Living in the dark imagination creates stress and results in mild to serious mental imbalance of mood energy.  It soon shows up in the body and creates dis-ease.
If you want (nothing happens without the desire) to wake up from negative (dark) thought and circumstance yet find it difficult to come up with your own mind’s eye visions consider seeing a guide to exercise that part of the mind: Find a Hypnotherapist or Hypnotist in your area who has the authority to work with depression, anxiety, or mental illness.  Ask about regression, parts, and NLP therapy to remove old mental conditioning.  Clients who reject the scientific explanation of depression will discover negative emotional reactions of fear, guilt, shame and anger get in the way of experiencing love, compassion, and joy.  Maybe this isn’t a sickness, but a spiritual emergency.  Time to wake up?   Good feeling sensations comes to all of us naturally but we tend to block our own senses when adapting to mental images someone else may have of our being.
I use to think I couldn’t work with anyone on anti-depressant medication because these brains might find it too difficult to bring our the imagination, but notice a good percentage are not doing a thing to the brain at all anyway, so it is doing no harm to the imagination. In other cases the drugged mind feels like it is living in purgatory, and the client eventually may not want to leave that state of comfort because it is better than the baggage of imagination, or they don’t know how to get out.  It scares some to even think they can be or feel any different.
People who can see picture perfect using the mind’s eye will full living colour are awakened to their journey and may just need some confidence, coping skills and mental self-protection.  They know when they are ready to live what they are supposed to be experiencing for happiness and joy, and not a moment before. Sometimes these sensitive souls have to go very dark before willing to come back up.
I believe now that the right brain (imagination, creativity, fantasy, emotions, ideas, and infinite wisdom with no logical sense) has been so grossly neglected for ages of time, that we hardly know the other half of the brain is there.  Too often the imagination exists to scare us, shame ourselves, or fantasize sexually.  I know many others are awakening with similar insights regarding the imagination’s power, talent and resources.  I hope people catch on soon so that the right brain population can begin to be actualized for all they are capable of for civilization.  It seems right now we are marginalizing people outside of the left brain box and that puts everyone at a reduced intelligence level of being.  Emotional intelligence is what is dehydrating and dying of malnourishment, the clues are  in the imagination and cannot be labeled without serious consequences to the growth of the mind.
Male and female right brain oriented people will love visualizing, pretending, coming up with self-help idea because it reminds them of something unconscious. I am confident some will connect with my words that maybe they could have been simply imagining in the dark without awareness.  A state of mind that is unhappy, frustrated and feeling powerless is a real clue the imagination is in the dark.  When the right brain is utilized talent and intelligence becomes unlimited because the imagination is infinite.
The clearer the mind’s eye picture the closer one is to self-actualization.  It will take some practice but any sensitive / defeated feeling folks who want change will find amazing results with the imagination.
Control your mind and come up with some ideas on how to make whatever you want to happen, happen using the imagination while visualizing, sensing, pretending.   Understand the wisest teacher lives within you.  Imagine, create, or guess your way back to your intended place in the universe.  Imagine self-love, esteem, peace and comfort instead of what you are used to imagining – and soon you too will experience the universal gifts you were born with.
Strive to sense your mind’s eye garden as clearly as intended and the miracles begin…
Cherylann Thomas, B.Sc.Crim.,CH,t is a Clinical Hypnotherapist specializing in depression, anxiety, grief, loss and more, who advanced her professional career by braille until she woke up a few years ago. With a lifetime of circumstances of misfortune, personal trauma’s, drama’s, and loss after loss she was at her wit’s end with grief and despair. At 50 years of age she picked herself up once more, and recovered her own shattered life using the wonders of hypnotherapy – discovering her calling. Working part-time she is accepting clients by appointment. Check the website and Hypnotherapy / Counselling service price list.
West Kelowna, British Columbia
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We love, value and appreciate your likes and comments – Please share with anyone you may think is right brain oriented and stuck in a powerless place xxoo


How Can We Evolve From Depression? Can You Guess?

Are you ready to learn why we may be experiencing so much mental illness and addictive behavior?

What if I started by telling you there is nothing wrong with the sick at heart that a look at the root cause can’t fix?  Are you interested in getting to the bottom of emotional and mental imbalance? 

This discussion would be incomplete if I didn’t start off talking about what is literally making about half of the school population emotionally and spiritually sick.  For me I could not tolerate public education in elementary and secondary school and I’ve figured out why the place made me so very unhappy in spirit.

This is important and we need more empathy if our kids are going to get anywhere…

Trying to cope in a row style environment, remembering facts and figures was hard and boring to me.  I somehow knew I don’t need to know everything they want to force me to learn, I can teach myself how to think.  Get me to Grade four where I can problem solve, read, write, communicate with civil behavior and I’ll be fine.  I know now my learning style did not suit left brain academy at all.  I started off on the wrong foot.  The left one.

In Grade 1 we had these IQ testing standards and I remember the teacher saying as soon as we finished our exam booklet to quietly go outside until all of the other children were finished.  Well, that’s all Cherylann needed to pretend to answer all of them correctly as fast as possible without looking at the questions.  Just filled in the grey squares and off I go to play – first one out.

Of course the system thought I was disabled in some way from the beginning because of that first impression brought on by a little girl who just wanted to end the unhappy classroom experience.  From that moment on my life took a turn for the worse and lost years of education I’ll never get back.  I failed grade 2.  That was the first year I remember feeling a deep seated depression settling in my spirit.  No one had any confidence in me even though I could tell time before my brother who was two years older than me, and I was reading way beyond anyone else I knew.  I wrote poetry and was so good even my mother liked my written thought sometimes although she nor I saved anything.  It was rare for me to have any credit in school until I found my own way back starting at my age of 21.

Let me give you a couple of examples on how public school was no help in my emotional or academic growth.  Grade 8 Math said I did nothing that semester, and I finally dropped out of school in grade 10 after the huge disappointment I received from the one class I did like, English: We were told for 50% of the grade to write a book of poetry.  All different kinds, Haiku, Couplet, Limerick, Free Verse…omg I was in heaven!  Finally I was going to bring home an “A” rather than the usual D’s and F’s or Incomplete’s with “U” for Unsatisfactory effort.  Then the system kicked me in the ass right out the door when the assignment had an added requirement:  I had to illustrate each poem.  People who get my brain will feel my pain in the idea of drawing pictures!  It will RUIN EVERYTHING!  In the poetry there is passion, in my drawing we barely have a Kindergarten level ability of even staying in the lines.  It was a horrifying assignment that sucked all of my passion right out me until I found myself again.  I refused to illustrate those poems, wanting to show off my poetic art, and only received a C, and the teacher said I should have had an incomplete.  I am creative, but in my own unique ways that didn’t include fine arts.

So I did what any other free thinking right brain person would do, run away from home to escape the madness.  That’s a nice way to frame things but I want you to know my awareness about myself then was nothing like the self-awareness of I have myself today.  I was a worthless no value person who was filled with self doubt and even hatred, in my mind back in the day.  A bad girl in my mind, however mislead.

I look back today and am in awe of how my life came together so unconsciously perfectly well, and how I made it is anyone’s guess.  I am a miracle but that’s another story I’ll share another time.

Speaking of guessing and getting back to the spirit:

I think guessing is the secret to everything.  I am conscious of our right brain capabilities lately in my work as a Clinical Hypnotherapist.  I work with some seriously depressed and anxious women and men who are collapsing in the same left-brain oriented world that I almost drowned in before them.  All of this memory, order, perfection, lines, rules, technology, is making people sick.  We worship and embrace logical training and is now (or has always, I don’t know) the dominate force of our people.  It is the only side of the brain respected or valued in this, and most other worldly cultures.

The problem is men and women were created equal, but not the same.  It’s so obvious to me I can’t believe no one thought of this before.  We have such a completely different physical and mental mind it’s amazing no one said anything to make me think again about how important Math 8 would be, considering the trauma it caused my happy spirit. We need to ask why doctors only studied the male body for research until recently when female forms are the one’s with all of the tools for life?  How can they compare the sexes at all?  Why no man still understands a woman is because he isn’t one.  It’s part of the plan for us to be different, but we spend so much time trying to be the same as men instead of our own amazing selves.

This is where the exciting part comes in for women everywhere and to come – it turns out our part of the brain makes us the inventors of the world too!  We are Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Alexander Bell, and all of the one’s who made this world what it is today because they were allowed to imagine things without shaming.  Airplanes and wild ideas of internet connect was just an idea floating around someone’s right brain.  The imagination.  If that imagination can connect with the senses for life; sight, sound, taste, smell, touch – and intuition – you can count on a manifestation in reality.  The creator.  That’s our gift.  We have ideas, imagination, and the creative passion within us that would make this world one hell of a place to live.  Almost perfection if you think about it. Being allowed to imagine is all it takes.

Can men be right brain oriented and women be left?  Absolutely.  It’s true more women are right brain feminine but there are many right brain masculine.  Gays, transgendered, ADHD (so-called) and other male types are right brain oriented in some areas and do not do well in school in many cases.   Unless they are little lobotomized to obedience or something.  The mind is is about spirit development, supposed to be, don’t you think?

The emotional imagination has been played with and manipulated for someone else’s benefit.  Not mine.  Instead of imagining and manifesting a good life for ourselves, we give the female sex up to the idea that we are born in sin.  Fear, shame, anger are learned into the consciousness, darkening the heart to sleep until you hardly know it’s there anymore.  This part of our being feels like it’s going insane.  The unconscious spirit just can’t take it anymore!  That’s what I think.

Imagine the imagination is exactly where your kind of wisdom is found?  And it’s beyond left brain limits – it is infinite in emotional intelligence.  The way we have evolved is an example…and it just keeps getting better.  But never to perfection.  It is infinite, flexible, relative, and does not know time.

The whole point is self-love and respect, and to count on you for your good life.  The spirit can only awaken to universal wisdom if we know it is there.  It is clear we have been led down the wrong road for our own spiritual sake with the judgement we place on men and women alike. It is never too late, and maybe all of our experiences was supposed to be how we were going to develop the soul all along anyway.


How do you solve problems and then thrive?

  1. Guess.  If you don’t know the answer to something, use your imagination to figure out the problem.  You know.  You know everything.  The more you believe the more you know.  This is an amazingly fast way to open up the vault of the unconscious imagination.  You know things, you have had life, lots of your experiences will remind you of the answer and it’s all stored right there in the unconscious ready to be accessed if you’d just go to the guess channel.  I’ll tell you a secret, if you connect with yourself enough you might soon be connecting with your guides and the rest of the universe as well.

2.      Put yourself into trance regularly.  If you can’t see a Hypnotherapist then find a way to get out of your own way.  Music, arts, look into a fire, whatever…you know how, you know everything.  I have confidence in your innate talents and resources to put yourself into a calm state of mind where you don’t have to think for a while.   🙂

3.  When in a trace state of mind begin to dream and fantasize using the mind’s eye.  If you have difficulty understanding this, think of it as the same way you might have fantasies for sexual gratification, only this time you want to open up the juices of other senses for life.  To create your imagination with any kind of clarity the dark ego emotional nonsense has to be removed.  It’s okay, you don’t need them believe me.  You really have to be willing to give up a lot of the ego.  Use your imagination to balance the emotional senses.  It won’t hurt your sex drive to focus on another fantasy, it might even help.

Friends, as we evolve into this next age emotions are sparking everywhere and it is going to get worse, you can imagine.  This is your gift, your deal – emotions and they are love, compassion and empathy.  That’s the heart under the ego of fear, shame, and anger.  You feel unstable because you are waking up I suspect, and can sense things that go on in your life are not right, but can’t figure out what.  It’s right brain oppression and you’re only just beginning an amazing journey now.  It feels unstable because no one is agreeing with your thinking that you can hardly deny anymore.  Right brain people keep silent and I share from my heart to be an example of the opposite.  I hope you find your purpose and inspire others with your mind. It is special.  It is very special.  Finally.

For Suffering Sensitive Men and Women

You can come up with ideas to leave a controlling or abusive relationship.  Find a way because you are smart like that so do it.    Without consciousness the senses feel like insanity.

Men, they’re great too with their own unique talents, resources, and offerings to the world!  But not everything is all about men, especially when the main right brainers are indeed women who have been very badly neglected in life offerings and benefits, and we are beginning to know it.  I encourage the development of right brain education, in the way that suits the child’s spirit.  I tell big pharma that drugging beautiful minds with medication that stays in the energy 24/7 should be a criminal offense, if they only knew the damage it was doing throughout North America.

Instead of using the imagination to scare yourself to death, try to turn the imagination around for better results and watch yourself blossom into the butterfly you were meant to be. What do you think all of those pretty butterflies are trying to tell you when they flutter by?  Time to stand up and take your place at the table with all of the others now.  If no one has invited you to equality and good life, find another way.  You too will come up with all sorts of theories as you evolve. What if you are allowed?  XXOO

Please like, love or share if you think we need more right brain development for a better civilization!


Cherylann Thomas, BASc.Crim., CH,t is a Clinical Hypnotherapist in West Kelowna, British Columbia.

Check MMH out at the Family Wellness Treatment Centre.  Are you suffering with depression, anxiety, self-identity crisis, obsessive behavior, or any mental health disorder you have been labeled?   Others use hypnosis and hypnotherapy  lose weight, improve your performance, connect with angel’s,guides and spirits, experience past life regression.

Happiness is a choice, and ultimately only one person can decide when to take back control over their destiny.  If you are ready to make the necessary changes for peace, comfort and happiness, please our website at

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When I Realized No One Was Saving Me – I Saved Myself.

In suffocation we cannot breathe.  The same can be said for a controlled or dependent life when the dependency is unhealthy.  Some people think they need to give up drugs, booze, hoarding, or eating because if they do not they will be shamed, shunned, and love will be withdrawn.  Others think they have to hide in addiction because it feels better than sobriety in their individual reality.  At the very least the bad deed keeps a person comfortable for a while and sometimes that is all they need for emotional relief and their personal opinion of a happy life.

What if you can live any way you see fit?  If I gave you permission right now to go forth and do life your way, here are the resources, what would you do with your opportunity?  I am going to guess you just don’t know because you’ve never allowed yourself the idea you CAN be anything you want.  Let’s start there.  Conscious (learned) thinking is the only thing that keeps anyone stuck in unhappiness.   Early training, mind conditioning, thoughts that have been planted and you’ve unconsciously accepted them as truth. Unconscious does not know the difference between fantasy and reality and your feelings and body will respond to all thoughts fed to self whether true or not.  Keep telling yourself you are fat, add some fear, worry, shame – bingo – you’ve got more weight then you’ll know what to do with.

The problem is the mind can be so sensitive if a non-abusive adult inadvertently remarks to a child about her weight – it may trigger that child up for a lifetime of eating disorders.  Some kids will ignore the comment and simply assume the adult is nuts.  Others will take authority literally.  After the child’s brain is developed, contrary to popular belief, it’s still up to individuals to figure out how to survive in spite of their thinking deficiencies by the time they leave home.  I am not blaming home environments as you will read – the root cause of our problems come from historical conditioning of populations, designed for control.

The creator of life experience after 18 – is you.  That means you have a chance now of making something special, or even great about your purpose happen.  Not if you are sitting in someone else’s negative mind-set, however.  There are a lot of nay-saying folks who can’t wait to tell you your good ideas will not work out.  So, smoke some pot or drink some beer or take a pill if you want.  Or, ignore what is in your way and make a plan to develop the way you see fit.  I am willing to bet you won’t need anything if you are happy and peaceful.

It isn’t easy to shut out the background noise, the mental tapes of no I can’t, and some people seek out help to reframe their thoughts.  In hypnotherapy folks come up with their own wise ideas that suits their personality, interests, values, zodiac signs and what have you.  The right part of the brain has been so neglected in public school where all the system wants to teach a child is how to remember and calculate proven principles.  What we forget all of the best intelligence is sitting on the other side of the brain waiting to be discovered!  Wisdom, peace, emotional wellness are all experienced when the right side of the brain is respected as much as we concern ourselves with the left hemisphere.

Perspectives.  How we perceive our own behavior and what we see in the actions of others comes from ages of experience we all have in life.  My eyes will see something completely different from your eyes in a given case.  We will have black and white differences that cannot be reconciled because one person’s experience will be vastly different than someone who has lived in the wilderness, or another place, all of their life.

I am empathetic to people’s issues and I’m not trying to upset anyone here.  But my message is getting louder because the mental illness and addiction problem is getting worse under the current models offered.

We do not all experience life the same way because of environment, but more importantly we are all born unique souls with different journey’s of learning and teaching!  The problem is everyone wants everyone else to live the same way they do.  Of course there are influences, and events special to the individual that will mold a person’s mind toward a certain belief system and reason for core values and behaviors.   A family can have a group of amazing beings who all follow the program the way we would want.  Everyone gets along the same, thinks the same, does life the same way.  I know many families that appear like this and I’ve often felt a little short-changed because I just cannot imagine how that life might be like.  I say fantastic and good on you and your historical families for finding a way.

Typically this is not the case and a family has a group of individuals who piss each other off by not complying to the status quo, or complying with resentment.  This creates a lot of stress and drama that will reduce chances of a free life.  Some have so much over-reaction to problems the dysfunction embedded makes a happy, healthy life for anyone in the group impossible.

I am unsure what my family is doing these days – I only know how I am because I decided a long time ago the same influences that affected me so negatively had to go so I could have a fresh perspective about life and the meaning of my own existence.  I’ve had an amazing journey lol…and can’t thank my history enough for teaching me how to find my way.  Not everyone can break away but protection of self is possible.

Listen, I am the same woman I have been all of my life – but 100% different in my thinking about what my contribution to the universe was meant to be about.  As a strong character I’ve picked myself up and started over a few times, and even after an unhappy childhood I was able to build a comfortable life with family, career, and collecting toys in triplicate.  In spite of my good works I came to have a host of life struggles, pain, loss and grief.  Heavy duties for living was piling up and I eventually collapsed feeling utterly powerless, voiceless, and really – in some kind of shock I think as I fumbled through my pain, trying to get someone to save my life for me.

Today I look around and adore the beautiful way I discovered to run my own life and am excited about where I am going.  Not everyone will want to live my way and this is not my point – I am suggesting what if it is okay you live your way and we let everyone else run their lives as they see fit?

At the end of the day we are all going to do whatever we want to do in spite of other people’s best intention for our lives.   Now of course I am not encouraging reckless behavior – or doing anything that directly affects someone else.  You are a grown up with manners by now, the civilized thing to do is no harm to others.  If you want to slowly kill yourself with habits that harm you – do it, but please don’t allow anyone else to go down with you by insisting they live with your lifestyle.

Today I share a part of me, which is what I bring to the table to encourage peace of mind, comfort, and self happiness instead of the fight for perfection in someone else’s eyes.

I use to have a very hard time liking myself, at all.  Ashamed of my very existence and I had no idea why.  I was never a bad person – from the moment my only child was born when I was 18, I worked very hard at building a good life for myself and family.  I had to do better than anyone else hopefully to prove I am a good girl in everyone else’s mind.  Because of early childhood trauma, neglect, and lack of maternal or paternal love I suspect I will have a lifetime of difficulties to overcome – it is my journey and yet now I take on every new challenge with enthusiasm and my good mood remains stable.

My role growing up and into adulthood was to be the willing scapegoat for anyone who didn’t want to take responsibility for their shit.  I was begging for love and taught others they could use me as an escape to their problems – I’ll take the blame.  I made myself the sponge to be the reason for everyone’s anger, fear, shame and ego pride.  I allowed myself to be identified through ‘their’ eyes with little ego fight in me at all.  I cared more about everyone else’s feelings than my own.  Sometimes I went off into some kind of unconscious rage over the madness of the situation.

It turns out I was mad at myself all along for what I wasn’t doing to help my own good life.

I did not know how to articulate what was wrong because I didn’t know any better way.  But my mind and body were in a lot of pain and I now understand a part of me was reacting adversely to the conditions and rules I found myself living in.  I was completely blind to my own circumstances even though I thought I had things pretty much figured out.  I had to  remove myself completely from the brainwashing, manipulation, emotional whippings before I could see a way out through my own eyes.

It is very difficult to cope in today’s perfection oriented, fast paced left brain world of judgement.  And we all make things so much harder on ourselves and others with emotional reactions that are unnecessary, do not solve a problem (but can sure make it worse), and even harm us more than if we were just left to change what we want to change – not what others think we should.

All life choices will have natural consequences that are positive or negative.  If someone around me doesn’t like what I do, or how I live, but I am okay with myself – they have to go because I refuse to allow anyone else to punish me if I am not breaking any laws.

For me I was living in a world of negative emotions like shame, fear and self anger; then came alcohol, followed by anti-feeling prescribed drugs, then suicide when I realized that no one and nothing else was saving me.  Today’s medical answer to the trauma’s that were piling up like a twilight zone movie the methods and motives felt like insanity at some parts.  Only I knew I wasn’t insane – I was hurting.

What is offered for help now is not only not working – it is creating insanity.  Anyone who still has one eye open can see the drug and mental illness problems in North America are getting worse not better under the organization of ‘science’ or the medical and spiritual models of powerlessness.   Yet society is conditioned to believe now that a pill, drug, or mood altering substance is a good idea and prescribe it by the trillions of dollars every year we consume in prescribed medication.  The anger I sense from people on the drugs as they read my articles are palpable.   They insist I am wrong, the doctors are right and how dare I question science?  Oh, I do question science because in my experience (and I have a lot) science is nothing more than a marketing word to convince someone of something they cannot see themselves.  Like the world is flat.  We’ve known for thousands of years the world is not flat.  But the powers back in the day thought it might be a good idea to tell the masses the world was flat to keep folks in control.  Not a lot of people left town with that fearful idea of falling off the earth.  This is real.  It really happened.  Science and government have always operated under rules that control the population.  This prevents individuals from discovering for themselves something better than what is offered by the bosses.  Christopher Columbus didn’t want to stay in his town, and went to Queen Isabel of Spain and begged for money to check out the world.  A woman of curiosity and inquiry decided to grant the request and ever since we now all know the world is, in fact, round.  Do I trust science?  Sometimes.  But now I make sure I also consider my personal judgement located on the right brain where my senses live. *

We only will see what we WANT to see until it no longer works, or causes bigger problems.  As a people we are about as brainwashed and mind conditioned as we can get when it comes to not believing in ourselves, or natural solutions.

Recently a 40-year-old woman came to see me and had just started Baby Effexor.  BABY EFFEXOR is how they are marketing it now, the doctors.  When I was first fed my dose I was told it was to balance a Serotonin chemical I was lacking, and just like a diabetic person needs insulin a depressed person needs anti-depressant pills.  I believed in the science, blindly, without questioning because that is how I’ve been trained to be.  The problem is you can call it Baby  Effexor, or insulin, or whatever you want to name it to feel okay to take it in good conscience.  Only the taker of the medicine will be able to say if it works for them.  It is still a chemical way to live life and if it works – great.  If it isn’t working folks don’t seem to care.  They will come to me and want to get to the root of their problem but so filled with brain numbing drugs I can’t reach their feelings for any change to be possible.  The irony is I can work with people who engage street drugs, or anti-anxiety medication…the drugs I find the most problematic for reaching right brain capabilities are government sponsored anti-depressants and anti-psychotic medication.  These drugs are designed to never wear off.  24/7 the brain is inhibited and the person hardly realizes their own deficiency within a few weeks.

Anti-depressant medication inhibits the senses for human survival and well being.  How do I know?  My right brain tells me.  While I was plied with the drugs I allowed things to happen that were detrimental to my life, and the life of someone I was responsible for.  My vision, hearing, and feelings were literally shut down to nothing.  My hunger sense, sexual arousal sense, body temperature, blood pressure were all manipulated with these sorts of chronic drugs.  On doctor ordered medication I signed away a terrible divorce agreement that really harmed my future and I managed life in a way I would never let be with my own senses.

Drugs that alter moods is not a cure no matter how we want to spin it.  Of course it is a choice and I hold no one in judgement for choosing this solution if it works for them.  I say do what you want to do unless you decide it is not working and then find another way, or stay in the system –  if you are of legal age you don’t need me or anyone to tell you how to conduct your life.  I am sharing my story.  Yours might be different.  Right?

After I miserably failed at suicide l looked around and found myself alive and alone anyway.  I had nothing to lose but to try a new approach to me.  I decided to try Love.  When left to my own devices I researched and finally went for hypnotherapy treatments (thinking a past life might explain my problems) and instead of finding out I was a bad person in another life, I found my mindful awareness opening up like never before.  I had a change of thought, feelings, and deed and looked at myself in ways I would never have imagined before.  This therapy wasn’t even a little bit flakey to me, it made sense to my better self and I went full on to learn everything I could about the subject of intuitive, spiritual energy – the unconscious mind.

I got a lot more out of hypnotherapy than I ever bargained for but it was just the beginning and it was not in the way I had expected it to work.  It was the opposite of a counsellor saving me – I saved me by daring to look within and deciding what I wanted to change, and what about me I wanted to develop more.  At the risk of sounding cliché, I found myself!

I turn down clients because I know they will get nothing out of hypnosis if they are unable to reach their senses, or feel they must ‘do something’ to keep the love of someone else.  It’s very sad what we do to people with addictions and mental illness, although I am certain it is done unconsciously and it is not the intention to make anyone’s behavior a condition of love.  I will tell a client straight up if I think they are making a mistake in attempting a life change before they are ready to put the effort into what took a while to build up.

Am I perfect now?  Nope.  But I sure love who I have become and enjoy my life-like no other time in my 57 years on earth.  When I am down I know just what to do and how to take care of myself.  I have an unconditional love that I didn’t know before, it is in me and connected to the rest of the universe.  As civilians of the earth we are conditioned to be dependent on others for survival…and if someone dies or leaves us we may wonder how we will survive.

If our lives are enhanced, complimented, thriving in a healthy family with dependency it is a joy to watch and admire.  Too often, however, healthy family dynamic is getting harder to find.  People are so dependent (or controlling) the emotional needy attachments get in the way of recovery for anyone in the room and can, in fact, make mental illness and addiction behavior seem magnified and things can get out of control for more than the person with the perceived ‘problem. ‘  Toxic environments spread like poison – soon the issue is more than a habit, or addiction – it is an entire house of negative emotional reactions by everyone involved.  Nothing gets solved in the middle of fear, worry, guilt, shame or anger.

I am not speaking to the ones who feel in control of their own lives.   However, if you find yourself in a control / dependent relationship with an addicted or mental loved one in an emotionally negative way, maybe you will learn something from my message as well that might help your situation.  I’m really speaking to the people who have no intention of getting better for you, or anyone else.  Why won’t they change?  Because unconsciously they know they are here for their own journey, not yours.  They will quit when good and ready, and not a moment before.  The recovery (or death) will be right on time – just not your time perhaps. We are born and we die alone – rarely at the same time as other family members, and so it is prudent to be in charge of this one life you have, your way.  I lost the best part of my life.  My son Trevor lived for 25 years and I have to say now – what a ride!  I now understand how things were suppose to unfold and I’m even good that he left when he did.  This boy had a heart of gold, was gifted intellectually left and right brain, and lived life as if it was over in 25 years.  He was a problem child, like me.  Now I know, he knew.

I think, unconsciously, we do know more than we think we know, and the more we wake up, the more we will discover for ourselves just how amazing we creatures are.

The Intuit, the first sense we have, is to survive in comfort.  Unconsciously any one of us is going to find a way to make themselves comfortable in whatever way possible.  We live and cope to the best of our own ability and knowledge, with what we know.  If we happen to engage in an unhealthy habit, well, the habit is not going to change until the person decides THEY have had enough of the problem.

It is not the drugs, alcohol, food or hoarding or other obsessive behavior to change (these come from emotional pain) –but self-hatred living in the heart that will drive a person to destruction.  The subconscious part of our being is where that answer resides, it does not sit in the ego and therefore it is pointless to try to fix it from that part of the mind.

I am going to share part of a conversation with a friend earlier today regarding her hoarding problem. *Virginia’s young son, Danny, passed away of an illness about a year or two before my Trevor died.  We met at a grieving parent’s retreat in Pavo, Georgia in about 2004.  We have empathy toward each other because we have both suffered severe loss and of course can understand each other’s pain.

This was her comment about her hoarding and my reply:

You name it……..I probably have it. But there’s just TOO much STUFF……I’m overwhelmed. I did try Ebay for a while but I messed up and it was time consuming. There’s always some kind of DRAMA with the kids (4) or grandkids (8) !!! Wanna move to N.J. ~ live next door to your “hoarder” friend and motivate her to CHANGE her life (whatever is left of it). (lol), actually, not so funny.

Cherylann Replied:

Oh my friend, I suspect you like your place full and I would never interfere with that. These things make you comfortable. You have not had a good reason to let any of your things go. I am willing to bet a lot of the anxiety you sense around the hoarding is coming from family members? You know I work with addictions, mental health issues, and the one common denominator that exists in all of my clients is that unless they WANT to stop what they are doing, they will not. We are survivalist’s– born to survive and thrive any way we can.

Unconsciously, you found a way to cope like we all do in different ways. This is your way of a comfortable life. It’s not for me, it is probably not for a lot of people – but YOU enjoy it. So, whatever is left of your life as you say, why not pack your bags and live in what you enjoy? Why not give yourself permission to live any way you feel most comfortable – with your things and memories? If it is affecting others in the home then find a way to make them comfortable as well. Maybe one room can be cleared for their comfort? Why not have a little sit down with each and every one of your family and let them know how you feel? There is a problem (because you mention it) so why not solve the problem and keep yourself happy and comfortable in whatever solution you can come up with to suit yourself first, and everyone else second?

If you are not allowed to live in any way that brings some sense of comfort, peace, or happiness – then that is the problem, isn’t?

You matter my friend. You really matter to me always.

Sometimes just giving people permission to live their way makes them want to do things differently.  I have witnessed the controllers finally giving up and sending their child on their own way – and they end up becoming amazing creative beings.  And, other times people do decide to just live the way they want and if it is not causing anyone harm do life their own way until they die.  If a certain loved one is not in the background making a lot of noise about it, living outside of norms can be a peaceful life too.  Eat, drink, hoard – or be weird – it is a choice and no one is powerless.

It is the harsh cold world that is so full of fear, worry, shame and anger it can hardly stand up balanced anymore.  Everyone from the government to the medical community to the education system – to loved ones – they all want to control the individual ‘for their own best interests.’  Kids are dying by suicide in record numbers with an inability to cope with the multitude of laws, rules, and conditions we have if they expect love and acceptance.

Trying to live up to an impossible image of someone else can suck the good life out of the best of us.

The solution is empathy.  Empathy is having a heart-felt understanding of what people experience that leads them in their behavior.  Empathy does not exist just for others.  WE must feel love, acceptance, and understanding for ourselves before any behavior can be managed or stopped.   Punitive measures to fix emotional pain is an asinine idea, brute force, intimidation, aggression only works for a few very strong ego minded people who don’t mind doing what they are told in spite of their own best interests.  Yes, messing up really bad might be in a person’s best interest!

A change of mind is in order.

The perception anyone has of themselves will rule how they live.  Change the perception and behaviors disappear naturally.  Toughness can only keep someone held down for so long before they find a way to break free.

What hypnotherapy promises to the willing mind is a renewed look at how much control, love, and compassion we can feel without over doing any unhealthy product, and the new self-love naturally motivates the spirit to live, act out, and experience a happy life that appeals to one’s own senses in any way they want.

Permission to be free, happy, and at peace will only come from the individual who believes they are allowed to live the way they choose.  The (unconscious) cult like mind conditioning we see going on in families, school, television, movies, social media, news outlets, and marketing commercials have no more power if one is focused on a life they want to experience.  Keeping your eye on the ball of your life is the only way to freedom.  Looking at everyone else and what they are doing right or wrong cannot help because you are only God to one.  Create a life that you can be comfortable in, or proud of, and run with your own ideas all of the way to success.

Or, count on someone else to figure out life for you – at least decide that you are okay with any choices you make.  The bottom line when I advise anyone is to make sure YOU are happy with YOUR life decisions  – or find another way back to your natural place of comfort.

Control vs. Love.  It will be okay if you tell your kids, spouse, or parents to be responsible for their own lives.  They will survive – or crash in their mistakes – and it will have nothing to do with you.  Please do relax and work your issues – not theirs – for better life results.  If you have difficulty letting go and want help consider a type of therapy that will empower you back to self.

  •  Important footnote:  It is NEVER too late to begin again.  Please do not suddenly stop taking anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication.  There will be discomfort unless done correctly and the mind is very fragile during this state of mind.  Cherylann often supports clients while they wean off and help the client retrain the body to relax while awake through the wonders of hypnosis.


I write and speak from my heart and soon I’ll be publishing video’s instead of blogging like this.  If you like my thoughts I’d love to have you follow me.

Likes, shares and comments are always appreciated!  THANK YOU SUPPORTERS – WE ARE GETTING IT DONE!  ❤

Cherylann M. Thomas, BASc.Crim., CH,t is a Clinical Hypnotherapist specializing in anxiety, depression, grief, addictions, weight loss and more.  Working out of the Family Wellness Treatment Centre in West Kelowna, Cherylann prides herself on her awakening intuit, skills and experiences that transfer success to her clients.  Openness about her own story, and willingness to go the extra mile with every soul she encounters makes people feel comfortable immediately.  Hypnosis treatment is special, but make sure you are ready for the positive mood changes to begin as soon as you start!

Are you ready to make positive changes to your life?  Please check our website for details at

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When Did I Give Up My Mind to Science?

The more I engage in the practice of hypnosis the better insight from my unconscious I sense.  Things are starting to look amazing.  I hope you agree before they take this down !

Grab a coffee and enjoy a read that could change your life for the better instantly.  I will point out some simple clues to recovery, and explain in easy terms the mind, brain, science and snake oil.  To achieve this will you allow me to reframe some of the more traditional thinking?  If nothing else but for a moment of emotional relief from the strict confines of medical science I want to show you there may be another reason for mental illness epidemic we are seeing destroy families across the nations.

If the diagnostic model for mental illness has been working for you and the treatment programs you have been offered appeal to you, keep doing what you are doing and please don’t let my ideas offend you.  I have no intentions of changing anyone’s mind or method of treatment, I only share to inform another perspective that we could look at for the thrill of possibilities.

Well we have to give credit where credit is due.  The pharmaceutical trillion dollar industry has done a very good job on making sure we think mental illness is a permanent part of life, that without drugs the situation is hopeless. Labels and mind and mood altering drugs have become the new way to deal with problems for all ages of people, from the elderly being most likely to be on a psychiatric drug (Vancouver Sun states 97% of elderly); women next followed by children being the most common consumers before men.  We are rapidly giving in to sickly diagnosis of incurable mental illness which can come within minutes of sitting in front of a doctor.  How can they know you have a Serotonin problem when they can’t even be bothered to take a blood test?  They say mentally ill people need drugs to balance something, but have never proven the imbalance to the individual.  I know I’ve been offered and accepted anti-depressants by almost every single doctor I encountered beginning in about 1998.  At first we are told it was for only three months, then I must find another way to peace.

I use to blindly (not using my own senses) believe a man (or anyone) could know what is wrong with my body and mind without a scientific test. How is that for giving up will to another?  How do we come to that place as equal partners to other humans?

It is a fact of life that the people feeling weak or vulnerable are at a risk of being led somewhere that works against their own good senses for a satisfying life experience.

It is no secret in my community that I present myself as appalled at the current way we treat mental illness in Canada. To me it is not only keeping people sick, it is contagious through the family and generations to come.  Popping pills is NORMAL and we wonder why kids need drugs to cope and find their own way to get the job done.

Addictions continue to take over the will and lives of good people who become dependant on everything and everyone other than themselves.  We have much fear around trusting our own good judgement and intuition on how to live, and live well.

I think we have turned our will and our lives over to the power of others – is that what we are suppose to do?

Can it make us sick?

See if these unconscious bits of wisdom that comes to me doesn’t appeal to your better judgement:

Depression can be the best thing that ever happens to a person. It is a message from the unconscious that a sense (or more than one sense) is out of balance and needs attention.  It could be a spiritual emergency.

Self medicating is not going to help in the long run because it shuts down the part of the brain that is suffering, the right hemisphere.

Right brain is where ideas, emotions, and creativity for problem solving live.

Recovery becomes next to impossible to tap into while on long-term acting anti-depressants, which are designed to dull the senses for emotional pain relief.  Drugs are supposed to inhibit sight, sounds, feelings, tastes and smells to protect the patient from…life.

What is less known is the pharmaceuticals also affect the senses of sexual arousal, hunger, insight and sometimes common sense – putting children at risk of being neglected or placed in dangerous situations, depending on how strength legally prescribed drug the parent is taking.  Just because they do not give a ‘high’ does not mean those senses aren’t blocked.

Living with dulled senses for any length of time is not healthy to any reasonable thinking person.

In my opinion the whole chemistry theory simply cannot work for a spiritual energy, but this isn’t the first time I’ve sensed people in authority were wrong.

Like the time my pastor insisted (and I willingly believed) women bleed because of a punishment from God, and my role on earth was to serve man.  No wonder I was tired, ashamed, and felt hopeless.

Ideas may not flow to the blocked mind and yet that is where our true answers live. Think of depression as a clear signal that change is needed in some area of life.  If we cannot hear what the sense of depression is saying, how on earth can we end the pain and grow forward?

The imagination is what gets folks into trouble and it is what leads the way out.   But if we have no ability to imagine the best for ourselves we risk manifesting what we are imagining in the darkness.

I ask you to begin to deliberately imagine a better life you can enjoy.  You are allowed to fantasize the best for yourself besides in sexual situations!

To exercise your very own intuit; find a creative outlet that seems like fun to you. Colour, draw, write, or otherwise focus on something that will take you out of your head and in new light, so to speak. Play, pretend, enjoy something, no matter how small – as often as possible. Decide what is enjoyable for you, and do that.

Give up the control and responsibility of everyone else for extended periods of time – and never let anyone control you away from your peace.

Please become aware of the tapes you play in your mind about yourself, your life, and your problems.

The more we tend to focus, obsess, worry, the more of the same will we seem to bring about. For example, thinking about fat all day long will literally create more fat!

Maybe you can’t control the world at large, but you can get yourself into good mental shape if you think you matter enough.

Imagine you are responsible for one life and if you can manage that you pass the test and win.

If you build a foundation that works for you everything else will fall into place.

The universe will respond to your energy and reveal opportunities that will show you what you are really made of when connected to yourself.

If you are depressed because you didn’t learn solid coping skills, or were not really conditioned to sense a healthy image of self, please know that you are not permanently damaged! DON’T LET ANYONE TELL YOU THAT, please.

It is never too late to change your imagination and gain these tools to thrive in life in a manner that actually works for you.

Begin to allow the idea that you are much more than this. Inside of you is a miracle just waiting to be revealed I promise.

I’m winding down:  This one is going to be hard for you, I know: But,

Be gentle with yourself, okay? No more tough love.

Chances are others were not always gentle with you and you’ve learned very well how to take over the emotional whippings.

Or, if you tend to be hardon others around you – maybe leave them alone.

Live. Let live. Let go. Grow.

Clear the fearful, shamed or angry energy in any way that works for you.

Aren’t you sick of people being mad at you, giving you unwanted advice, meddling in your business like you don’t have a lick of sense yourself?

Take yourself back at any time by speaking up against control.

Set boundaries.  We teach people HOW to treat us.  Teach them well.

Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t want done to you.

The stress of everyone else’s emotional reactions is just too much so please don’t inflict unnatural fears and worries on others to pick up

And don’t let anyone do it to you.

Remember, you are responsible for ONE soul this journey.

Treat yourself and others kindly, keep a clear conscience for peace of mind.

I ask that you never push yourself to do what you are not ready to do. You will know when you have had enough, and not a moment before.

Go with flow, not against it

Don’t be afraid or ashamed to seek out help in a way that makes good sense to you.

Depression is sick, not stupid.

Use your senses of insight to make decisions about how you want to get your life back.

Ensure the person or program you seek assistance from respects you as an individual, and has uplifting, motivating, inspirational ways to get you to your life recovery.

Recovery does not have to be mean, harsh, or punishing. In fact, if it feels nasty the odds of it working is unlikely

Stay away from fads and fashions that have no clinical results.

People spend thousands of dollars trying to find the easiest, less painful way to self and end up with the least success.

Hypnotherapy is fast, it is safe, it is lovely and it works – but if the client is not willing to put any effort into the treatment – well, you get out of anything what you put into it.

Research and then ask yourself for the best answer on the kind of help you seek from others.

Talking about your problems is good. Once is enough.  After that you are beating a dead horse.

Going on and on and on is embedding the issues into the unconscious creating bad feelings all day long.

One good idea is to stop focusing on how you got to this place, and ask yourself what the solutions might be.

You know everything if you take the time to ask yourself. Isn’t it time?


Please like and share if you find this helpful.  I am soon going to be producing a video blog so that I can just say all of this with my face right there for you to get to know. Let’s start talking about some other solutions than what we are currently being offered by the medical establishment.

Be like me; take back control over your comfortable happy life 🙂

Cherylann Thomas, BASc.Crim., CH,t is a Clinical Hypnotherapist working out of the Family Wellness Centre in West Kelowna, BC. She has made a name for herself specializing in grief, loss, depression, anxiety and believes she is successful because of her amazing story of how she came to be at peace with some serious life situations that would bring most to their knees.  Cherylann copes happily with anything that comes her way today. She says, “Bring it!” to life challenges because she has a sincere belief that no problem is ever too big it cannot be fixed!


Holistic Mental Health Practitioner Bashes Medical Treatment of Women and Other Right-Brain Oriented People.

I notice a disturbing pattern emerging when it comes to mental illness and women.  First, the current system seems to be creating even more sickness and suicide for the multitudes and masses, which conflicts with my good senses of what a medical community should be doing for the betterment of society. Second, I believe the cause of so much unhappiness has little to do with illness, and more to do with oppression of right brain talents and resources.

I know what wonderful and miraculous things can happen when creative folks are allowed to express themselves exactly how they are without having to compare their gifts to left brain oriented counterparts.  I see women and men regain self-esteem very quickly with just learning a few new ideas for WHY they may be feeling so mentally sick other than what they are being told by doctors and pharmaceutical commercials.

What if mental illness is really an unconscious reaction to bullshit?  

Why does it seem like more women than men are ‘crazy?’ How come no one ever asks how to cure mental illness and seem perfectly happy accepting drugs as the solution to unconscious despair?  Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand what is real according to Wikipedia.  Whose real?  How come in many eastern countries schizophrenia folks are used as ‘wise men and women’ who have great insight to things most people cannot see?   These are just a few questions I have after years of living my life as a woman in a society that insists my body and mind must work like the male ones or I am ‘abnormal.’  I believe women (and men) are brainwashed into believing how they are supposed to feel and be, because it works better for someone else.

Imagine a world that nourishes, respects, and even admires women for their physiological differences?  How much better can civilization be with a ‘feminine’ balance to masculine values?  I wonder if one would feel mental in a world of left brain folks if they thought their right brains mattered too?

Women have been traditionally ‘known’ to be the crazy ones at home, work, and in the psyche wards. What if ‘mental illness’ is really ‘right brain intelligence neglect?’  We live in a left brain world where conditioning and development is almost entirely based on preferences of logic and order.  It all starts in grade one.  Everything one needs to know about the right brain is apparently learned by Kindergarten because that is when the imagination part of us begins to get stifled, shut down and shut up to make room for academics.  Sure we have some music and art classes available to help students along, but mostly we will find left brain activities of memory development, algebra, and even sports as the preferred activities, and this is about as interesting as going to the dentist all day long for some people and so problems ensue when one does not live up to the expectations of the educational system we have available.

Soon we may wonder what is wrong with girls who suffer in math or boys who disrupt procedures in the class.  Why is everyone else going to school like good little boys and girls, but others are simply not fitting in, and ‘failing?’  Many children are now being labeled as diseased in some way, mentally if they do not keep up with the way things are.  It’s becoming ridiculous to me to see so many children and adults drugged and put away for life with a label of mental illness because we do not care to look deeper.

Displaced children grow up with thoughts of inadequacy, not belonging, and no voice. Powerlessness in a system that actually works against the amazing minds of right brain thinkers creates so much turmoil a person can hardly cope after a while.  Soon the person may begin to shut themselves down in fear of their own differences.

Mental illness can feel debilitating.  There is no sense of self power or control when one is hidden under blankets day in and day out with the television blaring in the background to drown out the destructive thoughts. Drugs, alcohol or food are often introduced to cut the incessant misery sense.  What about anxiety?  What a nightmare that is when they suddenly have an inability to breathe while driving, or in a public place.  What is the answer we have for these suffering souls?  Ativan, Xanax, Clonazapam.  Imagine what it might be like to feel worthless, unlovable, wants to give up, and die.  Suicide has become so epidemic it is now the number one killer of our youth — more than accidents and murder put together.

Whatever we are doing to help mentally ill and addicted people does not seem to be working.  In fact, it is making things much worse.

People are dying in record numbers by their own hand!

What if the problem isn’t mental illness, rather mental deprivation of the senses which can be restored with a little bit of attention to the real problems in society?

Are you ready for a new perspective on that ever so popular DSM, the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual that every doctor in North America refers to as a bible of sorts when deciding what is wrong with women medically, when it comes to mental symptoms?

If someone’s answer to our problems makes a little bit of sense we may inadvertently buy into horrible permanent life decisions for temporary emotional relief.  Vulnerable folks are easily convinced on the idea there is something wrong with their biology because nothing else seems to make sense in their world.  The so-called science about Serotonin being discovered as the culprit to mental illness is still being passed around as truth. Just Google, “Serotonin Lie” and see what you find. Every day we are seeing cases of pharmaceutical marketing literally driving people completely away from themselves and their own good senses and on drugs actually designed to inhibit the life of the right brain!

If anyone tells me I have an incurable mental or physical illness you better believe I need to see the blood work or x-ray to prove that today.  No longer do I take the word of someone who cannot possibly understand my world as they figure I may have a biological problem, rather than something else going on.  For mental illness no evidence of chemistry sickness exists even though people believe this to be the case.  Sometimes a confused doctor will say no one really knows what causes mental illness so it could be DNA genetically passed down with no reason at all.

Perhaps. Maybe not.  My clients tell me they get tired of doctors guessing treatment until the right drug is discovered by accident.  Stuffing symptoms with mind altering chemicals makes as much sense as someone taking a pain medication for a physical reason forever, doesn’t it?  It should be RARE not the common practice to offer life time brain-pain medication.

When can we find out why people feel mental?  For some it is simply easier to pack it in and be sick with permission from the system.  Many women agree to be mental so they can have a government sponsored disability income in a corporate society that offers a fraction of work income and benefits their left brain brothers are earning.  We have made women responsible for everything to do with the family, accountable for keeping everything together without assistance from a wayward spouse, and then pay her peanuts when she needs to work to put food in the kids mouths.  I’d rather go on mental disability, thanks.  It is all about survival and women will do what they must to keep going; some are brilliant at working the system that tries to keep them powerless, afraid, and ashamed.  You go girl!

Isn’t it time to fix the problem before life is completely wasted away?  I hear time and time again, “My depression keeps me stuck. I am anxious and stressed about everything. I have a feeling like I don’t belong somehow.  I don’t matter.  Everyone walks all over me. I am too sensitive.  There is something wrong with me. I can’t get along with the people everyone else gets along with, and, I can’t seem to learn the way everyone else is learning.”

Seeing things with new eyes

Let’s take a look at some of the labels the DSM and current traditional medicine in a new light, and I’ll suggest an alternative option for rescue and recovery for each ‘disease’ as listed:

Depression — Lives in the past.  Often caused by a serious denial of self-love, a traumatic event, or conditioned feelings of powerlessness.  The depressed person is often brainwashed to believe they are financially needy or dependant in an unhealthy relationship they feel they must have for survival.  Unconscious self anger results in confusion. Wrongful thoughts become so debilitating the body lives in a constant state of tension, pain and exhaustion.

Rescue and Recovery — Get out of the environment and find a place to re-group – alone. Figure out why you have taken over the emotional abuse (in thought) and learn how to retrain your thinking and imagination to the satisfaction of your spirit.  Stop looking at the problem and begin wondering about solutions for your own comfort, peace, and happiness. Find a way to matter to you.  Your gift, the right brain (imagination), has infinite ideas, start looking there.  Even more importantly, find a way to not need someone else for survival as that kind of relationship can turn you into a miserable slave working against your own life.  Chronic unhappiness is a clue something is wrong in LEARNED THINKING.

Make a new life plan when you are up to it.  Women don’t get defeated overnight and it will take some time to regain self, but you can count on a right brain woman to find a way to get the job done if she is interested in a better life.

Anxiety — Lives in the future.  Severe fear to believe in self.  Unconscious screaming, “Something is wrong!  Fix it!” We are finding that anxious people are so intuitive and powerful when we sense a conflict of conscious thinking to unconscious knowing it can feel like one is losing touch with reality.  And you are.  Intuit can hardly stand self-denial and unconscious will create sensations of panic when we do not listen to our own infinite wisdom about the present.

Rescue and Recovery — Dare to look at what scares you, really.  Hypnosis and hypnotherapy work miracles for the anxious because in treatment they actually figure out for themselves how to listen and obey  their own inner voice, and the answers feel like amazing empowerment for better living.  100% recovery is not only possible, it is probable for those who believe they can be healed.  Sadly most people are unaware of recovery and end up drinking or drugging the right brain sensations instead, all the way to institution and death as we are seeing in epidemic proportions.  Get to the root of the anxiety for complete recovery of life.  If anxiety based on a recent traumatic experience is the only problem it can be cured in one simple hypnosis session.

Bi-Polar Disorder — This requires an entire reexamination on the female anatomy and life experiences.  In many cases the diagnosis is brought on after the ingestion of anti-depressant medication, which is known to create feelings of mania in some people (people who don’t need antidepressants I’m thinking).  As long as the diagnosis and pills are allowed to be handed out recovery is slim to none as the beholder succumbs to living down to the ideals of instability.  The powerful brain drugs that are dispensed under the name of ‘safety’ will kill the spirit eventually, in almost every case.  Until just a few decades ago crazy women use to be given brain surgery (Lobotomy) to remove her emotional being.  I remember a girlfriend’s mother had her emotional response removed (located in the right temple brain) and my friend said she could slap her mother’s face and Mom wouldn’t care. She’d forget about it real soon if she did figure out she was insulted or hurt.

Isn’t that a nice way to live?  The friend said her mother’s emotions were taken out when she was 20 years old after being forced to marry a man twice her age due to pregnancy at 15.  Living now with 4 children in an abusive home it became too much to handle, and so she ‘left’ mentally and almost burned the house down.  This woman was a danger to herself and others.  Police were involved and the husband told the doctors if they didn’t fix his wife he would kill her.  Doctors fixed mom for dad’s better health.  The surgery was done in 1959 and a common practice in the times.  My friend said her mother had two more children and never complained again.  Life was good for everyone…else.

I remember the movie “The Stepford Wives” released in about the 1980’s, and have never quite forgotten at how powerful and mind numbing brainwashing can be when oppressed people are trained to be the servants for others, and no complaining from the wives because their ‘thinking’ belongs to someone else — they believe (consciously) they WANT to live for others.

There are many examples of religions brainwashing the masses into belief systems that utterly ignore female gender brains other than to be used for service.

Unconsciously we may  create mental illness when we deny our own purpose.

Women are being diagnosed with Bi-polar Disorder (false, unsubstantiated diagnoses) and those drugs will make the victim not care at all about what was going on within the family, or life.  Be glad we didn’t live in the 1940’s or 50’s where the powerful doctors could have removed your emotions forever without permission.  But they still work to manipulate the mind into thinking we can do without emotions by using right brain stoppers.

Today we have what is called “Chemical Lobotomy’s” in the form of prescription psychiatric medication that anyone can get at any time with the right ‘story.’  Yes, some people need to be put away safely and drugged for better comfort while imprisoned.  I have yet to hear a successfully medicated person living a happy life to old age, there may be a few cases, but they are certainly rare.  Life is never smooth for the chronically mentally ill and so I am suggesting we stop telling people to give up to the illness!

If one believes in psychiatric diagnosis the hope for full life recovery is diminished because there is no solution other than expensive pharmaceuticals that often increase over time.

Little to no effort is given to figure out where the serious mood swings come from other than, “She’s a nut bar for no particular reason.”  Having very little credibility in a world where women use to be considered property of men it isn’t too difficult to believe she is not worth saving if she isn’t taking care of everyone else the way she is supposed to be.  I am not being negative here, it is time to look at some truth and let’s investigate these alarming throw away people whom I no longer believe were “born insane.”  I witness full recovery of mental people who decide to forsake the others to save themselves.

Rescue and recovery — Figure out for yourself if you have a serious life threatening mental illness, or may have been wrongly perceived through the eyes of someone else.  I am telling people without hesitation today to really check out the facts of the case before giving up as a mentally unstable person for life.  See my next blog where I will outline many amazing women who were able to rise above their traditional roles and make remarkable contributions to society after being labeled ‘fruit cakes’ with no credible value their entire lives.  These women are proof enough for me that anyone can escape oppression – and the mental illness philosophies that are keeping female oppression alive.

ADHD — Disruptive problem child who cannot concentrate or stay focused.  A right brain oriented (more often male) bored to the core with the left brain training in the education system.  Needs right brain stimuli and acceptance of the difference.  She or he often has spiritual sensations and intelligence beyond the imagination.  If allowed to develop naturally in any creative realm we will witness this child later change the world with their amazing creative brains.  The greatest inventors and genius ones can be labeled as ADD or ADHD.  Albert Einstein had early childhood learning and behavior problems in school but his mother never told him about the nasty report cards about how he was a dummy in the eyes of the school.  Good thing, right?

Rescue and Recovery — If a child is unhappy in his or her learning environment find one that works.  I understand not all parents can afford special education for their amazing child but if you create some questions with right brain imagination the left brain will find a way.  Be willing to see there is a problem underneath the child’s acting out behavior.  Understand children may only be negatively reacting to an intolerable learning environment.  It is important to believe your own eyes when it comes to your child.  If they didn’t act up at home then it is coming from someplace else.

Borderline Personality Disorder — The list of ‘symptoms’ in the DSM for this label is far removed from truth.  They say she is a trouble maker, instigator, and drama queen.  She is known for making up stories about good people and are unbelievable with their accusations.  Freud diagnosed sexually abused girls who acted out as having fantasies about their fathers, living in an alternate reality.  Can you imagine being molested and then told you are making it up?  By respected science?  Imagine being shamed to tears in a court full of disbeliever’s with suspicious ‘allegations’ of sexual abuse.  Ignorance continues with dismissive thoughts as women continue to live without validation of horrific experiences while being re-victimized in the circuits (circus?) of the justice system.

This unlikable ‘borderline’ creature is a truth teller.  She likely speaks up poorly because she has no idea how to articulate her needs since her needs don’t matter to anyone, anyway.  In this woman’s story she is rarely validated with her thinking — and this can lead to feelings of internal rage.  Like a volcano about to erupt the emotional pain is felt deeply.  Listen, people do not like the truth.  Truth can be too uncomfortable to even glance at, and so it is easier to sacrifice the life of a truthfully outspoken woman who already feels powerless than it is to investigate the truth she is trying to educate the world with eyes, ears and feelings wide open.

Keep in mind I do believe there is ‘real’ Borderline (Borderline Psychopath) people who have little or no feelings of fear, guilt, shame.  I am suggesting professional opinions by mental health humans are fantasies made up to make the person feel she is okay being nuts because others are crazy just like her; see the list of symptoms?  That’s the proof they have when they want someone to believe they are unstable people.  The problem is you can show a list of anything to anyone and they will find a place of belonging if it reaches a need of the patient to be heard in some way.  Any way.

Rescue and Recovery — She is on her own.  People are unwilling to believe in the imagination of a BPD and there is no help in the current system other than drugs, but odds are she will refuse to take them and go on suffering without love or acceptance for herself.  If you have been reduced this kind of judgemental diagnosis you must take back your own control.  Find a way to love every part of you, even the difficult parts you’ve been trained to hate too.  Practice speaking up and teaching people new ways to treat you.  If you cannot find a way on your own reach out for help to build your confidence and self-esteem.   An entirely new way to look at yourself is required because somehow mental conditioning growing up taught you self-doubt all the way to self-hatred like everyone else who does not like your ‘truth.’ BPD must learn to set boundaries about how they are viewed and treated by others.

Postpartum Depression — A mental condition only given to women who gave birth and yet adoptive mothers suffer with this so-called mental illness as well.  Once again chemistry imbalance is blamed.  Real cause is extreme mental exhaustion and depletion of the senses with increased life responsibilities.  A new 24 hour clock to live by alone can make one sick.  Mother often has to concern herself about work and finances as well as carry the weight of managing the baby, house, and everyone else’s feelings but her own.  Unconscious doesn’t like self-neglect yet the well-trained conscious mind says she is not enough if she complains.  Having to be super-human leads to collapse eventually.

Rescue and Recovery — Throw away the idea you must be all and do all at your own expense. Demand help and don’t feel guilt or shame while doing so.  It takes two to bring a child into the world, not just one.  As long as a woman believes she must keep up with impossible demands she will, until she cracks completely in some cases.  Self care is needed if no one else seems to.  Don’t be a victim, be in charge!

PreMenstrual Syndrome (PMS) — Mental disease caused by cramping and discomfort during monthly cycle of a woman.  Too often something is very wrong in the organs of female anatomy and pain goes undiagnosed due to ignorance and lack of understanding and research.  In addition to medical doctors unable to find a suitable solution for this very real problem.  Employers are allowed to show no mercy or tolerance for the different biological make-up of female staff and provide nothing to assist in the need for some accommodation.  Women have been conditioned to not speak of their ‘problem’ and is often shamed into silence for her ‘difference to men’ and can feel irritable because unconscious Intuit (one’s truth) will respond negatively to the thought she deserves to live in shame and pain.

Rescue and recovery — The shaming of physiological differences to men needs to be replaced with empathy (most of the rule makers are males who would never be able understand the unique needs of women – and so need to be educated).  If no one else cares about your pain, YOU must care and take care of yourself in whatever way makes you most comfortable and happy.  Use the right brain to imagine ideas for making yourself feel better during this time, and the left brain will find a way to make it happen for you.  Two brains work together like magic when you believe in both of them!

Addiction — Inability to live sober in a world that seems upside down.  At first some comfort is felt in the indulgence of drugs or alcohol, but after a while that right brain is going to reject that solution and create all sorts of added problems to the life.

Rescue and Recovery — First, get rid of any notion you are powerless.  Find a way to believe in yourself and ability to control anything.  Fill your imagination with thoughts of strength and empowerment.  Addiction is self suicide, start recovery by figuring out why your life doesn’t seem to matter to you.  There is a ‘learned’ reason.

The Intuit doesn’t like slavery.  We are born free to survive, and thrive.  However the best part of us (right brain imagination) goes unconsciously hay-wire when neglected and made to feel needy and dependent on others for survival.  Dependency for happiness is simply not healthy for anyone.

I write this article to beg you to reconsider what might be really going on in society that is creating so much suffering and pain for women and children, and many men.  Can we reframe this whole ‘women are crazy thing’ just for giggles and see if we can’t come up with a better solution to mental illness?  How about we change everything right here and now instead of packing it in with acceptance of emotional torture and drugs?

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are an amazing therapy for self-actualization.  It helps one open the eyes to what the problem is, and how to find solutions to obtain happiness, peace of mind, and a comfortable sense of being.  Control becomes possible when we believe in it for ourselves.

I have a feeling mental illness will be replaced with new exciting possibilities for all of us if we dare to allow all people the right to think the way they are born to think, not the way we want them to be for the better lives of everyone else.

Right brain can create a good or bad life.  In spite of what we have been told about the imagination, why not deliberately go into the mind’s eye and use it to make yourself well again?  “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Said respected philosopher and writer,  Napoleon Hill.

Find a creative outlet you enjoy.  Colour with crayons, engage a craft you wouldn’t mind spending hours doing, learn a new art that fascinates you, listen to or play music, read or write.  Intuit feels happy and peaceful while creating so if you are fortunate enough to work in a right brain occupation your life will be much happier.

Remember when you were a small child you use to play ‘pretend’ with the imagination, before that got all cancelled in school norms — why not go back and play pretend about retraining your own mental thinking.  Imagine you are amazing for a change.  Fake you matter if you think you don’t.  Your unconscious and body will respond with love!

Believe in your own eyes, ears, and feelings.  You wouldn’t eat something that smelled or tasted bad because the senses are connected to the unconscious part that will wake up in the event of a bad food.  Learn to trust all of your own good senses!  Just because a story makes sense (fantasies of someone else are only true if you buy into that line of thought) does not make it your truth.  Some people are trained very well to not say a word about their own truth to protect someone else.  Others know how to manipulate the sensitive’s senses for their own selfish needs and gratification.  They use emotional manipulation of shaming, fear, guilt, and even anger to get what they want from a person who feels weak or vulnerable.

Stop Waiting and Start Creating

Hopelessness is bound to set in when we deny our own value and existence.  Isn’t it time to wonder why so many mental cases are ending up sicker than ever with the current mental health treatment of people?  Perhaps women need to put their intuition and imaginations to work on how to educate and articulate what we know, but do not get to say out loud?  Maybe some men who understand their own right brain intelligence will feel safer if they too are allowed to be whom they are innately.

When the left and right brain are allowed to work together as equal partners miracles happen.  When only one side of the brain is developed the sense of mental imbalance is the result.  We are literally working with half a brain.

*Mental illness can be a serious condition that is passed onto children as they watch, listen and learn how to cope from parents.  Please find a way to rescue and recovery if you have a little bit of hope left in you.  At the end of the day, only you really can change anything and it takes a belief there is better waiting as soon as you ask for more.


Cherylann Thomas, B.Sc.Crim.,CH,t is a Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist in the Okanagan Valley specializing in hypnosis for mental health, addictions, and spiritual identity.  She has lived an amazing life of ups and downs beyond normal.  This practitioner herself was raised in an abusive home taking on abusive self-thinking, and later experienced the extreme life trauma of losing her only beloved son to a car accident.  Time and time again Cherylann found a way to rise above adversity and uses herself as a positive example of recovery using the wonders of right brain love, honour and development.

Please check out her website at and like us on Facebook at


Stop WaitingStart Creating (1)





A Love Story About Goal Setting

I first learned about goal setting in a little basement church one Wednesday night in December 1982.  Dr. Tom Hopper was a guest speaker for my progressive church’s Wednesday night bible study.  What an amazing man as he was my first teacher about the power of our imaginations.

I was a single parent of a four year old boy, working for $900 a month as an office clerk, just above minimum wage at the time.  I worked on the weekends at a pub as a waitress.  I went to school on Tuesday and Thursday nights.  I had no family support or baby father to help with my load. What was killing me was the student loan of $4000 I had to pay. $100 every month ate away my measly earnings.  When I went about setting my goals the way Dr. Hopper suggested the first thing on my list under ‘financial’ was to pay off my student loan by March.  I also was ready to meet a real father for my son.  I set March for that as well. What the hell, right?

It seemed ridiculous.  The good doctor said to be specific in your goals, exactly how much money do you want, what kind of man do you want to meet.  The more detail the better he suggested.

How on earth I could reach such huge goals in three months made no sense to me, so after I did his secret ‘treatment’ for reaching the goals I put the piece of paper with my goals on it away in a drawer and forgot about it.

In January I was horrified to learn that my landlord was moving out and he had rented the upper suite to three young men.   My landowners were an East Indian family who often babysat for me when I worked on the weekends so the idea of having a bunch of men living above me now was hard to cope with.  I was a very mature 23, they were 20 and 21 with sports cars and it was their first time away from home.  I was driving a rust riddled green Maveric and had no extra money for skiing at Whistler or Blackcomb, the way they invited me so many times.  These decent but young guys liked the Who and other non-country music, were recent college graduates and all working one job during the week and free to do whatever they wanted the rest of the time.  Not my life at the time.

While I ended up enjoying cooking for the boys, and they fixed my broken down car more than once, I had no time or money for their party-time lifestyle.  While I was friendly they were much younger than myself emotionally.  Except Gary.  Gary was different.  He recently graduated from electrical engineering at BCIT and already landed a job working on main-frame computers for a large computer company.  He carried a brown briefcase to work everyday, and wore a tie.   He also gave all of his childhood Lego to my son who was very fond of the toys.  I was a little concerned because Gary gave the Lego up in organized by colour little boxes within a big box.  I knew my Trevor would have that Lego all mixed up in one big box in no time.

So they were different, but a good match as it turned out that later Gary would be my son’s father, baseball and soccer coach, and Cub and Scout leader.  A good man, husband and father.  Until March of that year however I had no idea I would consider one of the guys upstairs a potential husband!   Something happened in March that made me look at him differently, and the rest was a 25 year marriage.  Goal #1 – Check.

The other thing that happened that March is just as amazing after I set those goals and did the treatment.  I had this student loan I was paying every month, and so I made a financial goal of $4000.00 to be in my hands by March to free up more income for me, and give me credit for future student loans.

What happened next in how I was able to pay off that first student loan that March was nothing short of a miracle to me.  My baby’s father was free from having to pay child support because back in the day if the mother does not sue for child support within the first year of the child’s life the mother is not able to go after him later.  There is one loop-hole.  If the father is ever in contact with the child the time starts ticking for another year.  It was just by happenchance that for some reason the father got in touch with me for once in apparent concern for his son.  He took us shopping for groceries and gave me a cheque for $30.00.  This was a sign of paternal responsibility in the courts of law (we didn’t have DNA back then so women had a heck of a time getting help from deadbeat fathers).

I wasn’t a student of criminology yet but I knew I had to take my evidence to a lawyer right away.   There was no legal aid so I wondered how I could work this out.   Again, another coinkydink that made this goal become a reality: I was friends with a social worker who knew my pathetic income and was able to maneuver me a ministry legal team who worked on behalf of the Ministry of Human Resources as social services were called at the time.  I was somehow eligible for this amazing team.

Within weeks that lawyer was able to get me a financial settlement of $4000.00, payable immediately.  No long drawn out court hearings, just done…just like that.  And my son’s dad also signed away his rights as a father leaving the door open for Gary to be Trevor’s father in every sense.   On March 13th 1983 I picked up a cheque for $4000 from my lawyer’s office.  I went home that Friday night and celebrated with my upstairs neighbour boys by joining them in a game of pool at a local pub.  That night, even though I knew Gary for three months already, I had an inkling that that boy might be decent marriage material!  I turned out to be correct and we married in December 1984.

Student loan paid off, husband secured, and later my goals continued to grow with me.  At the peak of my career I was earning $125,000 while managing a successful employment agency.  I literally have about 15 years of post secondary education behind me due to my goal setting ways.  This from a grade 9 drop out, unwed mother.

I have added to Doctor Tom’s Recipe for Setting Successful Goals by incorporating them into all of my hypnotherapy treatments with clients.  But you don’t need a hypnotherapist to set and achieve your goals.

For self hypnosis treatments put yourself in a meditative state the way you normally do.   Imagine. sense, feel, emotionalize what you want to manifest in your life.  You have successfully hypnotized your mind to achievement!

Statistics say only 5% of the population actually sits down and writes goals. But stats also say that 72% of people who write goals achieve their target. Can you imagine how much further you can go if you add visualizing and emotionalizing your success?  Here are some tips to make sure your goal setting has the added advantage of Dr. Tom’s that helped me all of those years ago.

  1. Write your goals in an order of preference under categories. i.e: Financial, Career, Relationships, Educational, and so on.
  2. Be specific.  How much money do you need and by when?  How much weight do you want to lose and what will you weigh then?  What size clothes would you fit into?  What character traits do you most prefer in a husband (or wife?).  Get very specific for easier imagining.
  3. Now that you have your goals on paper, and you are specific to what and when you want what you want, it’s time to start your mental treatments for success.  Find a quiet place to relax in a comfortable chair or bed.  Close your eyes and gently allow all distracting thoughts to leave you.  Imagine a place in your mind where you are in control of everything.  You can make stuff up.  In your secret place where everything is possible pretend, sense, imagine you are already a success.  Your goal is achieved.  What would that be like for you? What would you look like?  What would you feel like?  Sense it, be it, have it.
  4. Continue to imagine what it would look, taste, smell, and feel like to achieve your goals and watch your new life unfold before your eyes.

How it works I am not sure.  I just know that whenever I take the time to improve myself by setting goals good things have a way of manifesting.  I encourage anyone reading this try setting goals for 2016.  It could change everything for your family, the way goal setting changed my life all of those years ago in the basement of a church.


Cherylann Thomas, B.Sc.Crim.,CH,t is a Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist working out of the Family Wellness Centre in West Kelowna, BC.  She is one of the most called upon hypnotherapists for relief of depression, anxiety, and grief.  After Cherylann lost her only child to a car accident in 2003, life took a serious turn for the worse.  Once again, however, Cherylann has been able to build herself back up and now spends her life and career helping others achieve their goals.