When Will We Learn?

In my early career I was an instructor and branch manager for a large government contract career centre in Vancouver, BC, servicing employable people who happened to be on income assistance.  Our mandate was to design, develop and deliver life and employment skills people who were collecting welfare.

This type of business was and continues to be popular because kids who fall short in our current educational system often grow up to be a huge expense to our government in the social services, mental health and criminal justice systems.  Health is also affected when we lack life skills as stress is proven to attack our bones, muscles and organs.

I suggest we change two fundamental areas of the current curriculum requirements:  Add life skills and forget about the 12 grade tier completely. Throw away the current status quo since it creates such a stressful environment for children who do not succeed in all subjects all of the time.

Leaving social training up to parents isn’t working.

Sadly but realistically many parents lack life skills and pass down their ignorance to their children.  There is no point in blaming as all of our coping and life skills are mainly ‘unintentionally’ learned as families blindly struggle to exist without a map to follow.

So we need an overhaul of the entire philosophy and delivery of how we civilize society in a fair system that suits all styles of learning, talents, gifts, and shortcomings.   Only, they won’t be looked at as failures anymore — we will have a system where kids can find a path that does work for them.

Example of Life Skills Classes, Suggested Beginning at Age Two:

Hard Life Skills

  • Nutrition
  • Earth Food Production (Gardening)
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Housework Skills (Time for everyone to be responsible for their home environment don’t you think?)
  • Fine and Gross Motor Skills Development (I.E. skills to use every day electronics & physical fitness)
  • Creative Mind Development
  • Logical Mind Development

Soft Life Skills

  • Self Respect
  • Sharing
  • Stress Management
  • Boundaries
  • Personal Protection (Abuse)
  • Communication Skills
  • Time Management
  • Personal Responsibility & Accountability
  • Problem Solving
  • Talent Investigation 

Of course my ideas are not perfect but I suggest we stop focusing on what our children’s perceived ‘weaknesses’ are compared to the masses and find and develop what their strengths are.  A system that advances the student to their official educational program after they have completed foundations for life training.  We need a flexible system where we learn curriculum designed to suit our talents, personality, intelligence, and emotional I.Q.  Doesn’t this make better sense?  

If we are to follow the same rules and regulations out there in the world we need to teach life skills early on and no longer assume all families teach their young way we want our fellow beings to behave around us.  I also happen to think all parents could use some parenting education but that’s another blog!

Why a new solution has not been delivered yet is beyond me.   In my experience too many people are thinking and believing they are stupid or do not measure up somehow because they did not succeed in the current ridged structure that doesn’t encourage individualism.

Imagine how much better society would be if all children learned social skills before they become social problems.  What would it be like for our children in school if they were allowed to develop their innate talents and passions?

Cherylann Thomas, B.Sc.Crim., CH,t


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Why Would You Want To Change The Child- (1)

Fear and Anxiety Resolved – Try This!

Most of us are aware of anxiety attacks and understand they can be life debilitating.  Sensations of panic will come out of the blue and paralyze the body, scramble the mind, even stifle the lungs or throat.  I know exactly what it feels like to hold up an entire air ambulance because even though I was drugged to the hilt with pain and anxiety medication (I was suffering a burst tubal pregnancy) I could not get inside that little aircraft due to a panic attack.  The medics finally had to knock me out with a strong sleeping drug and even still I was awake and panicking inside – I just couldn’t move my body for the drugs.   I held up another airplane a few years later in Cozumel, Mexico due to panic.  It’s embarrassing and keeps many good people stuck in their homes like prisoners if the solution is not found.

What causes this?  There could be a number of reasons for panic or anxiety attacks, including a ‘unconscious knowing’ of something a person is unwilling to bring up to the conscious. Other sensitive souls pick up the energy (moods) of others and feel those moods like it is their own, causing unconscious confusion leading to anxiety.  There are a few shaky ones who are intuitively psychic and just don’t know it.  But the most common cause of panic is the imagination.  Our imaginations get us into trouble because as a species we tend to believe external mental conditioning and take on false belief systems that work against the person’s true journey.  As a species we lie to ourselves, make up stuff that can be just the craziest idea but accepted as truth, and literally make the mind and body feel sick simply because the imagination is feeding false information to the unconscious.  Our unconscious mind knows and remembers everything – but it does not know the difference between fantasy and reality thoughts – and will accept anything you tell it and respond accordingly.  Intuitively.  Unconsciously our bodies are going to react to what the critical conscious mind is telling it.  Anxiety that occurs the first time can lead to a lifetime of difficulties if not dealt with early.  

It is Not Hopeless!  Try this one technique at home –

If you suffer with a specific anxiety attack (public speaking, airplanes, driving) before you venture outside take a moment to close your eyes and visualize with your mind’s eye doing all you want to do and get done. Creatively sense yourself being calm, confident, and in control as you amaze your audience with your speech, or fly in that airplane, or drive over that bridge.  Use your senses (auditory, visual, feeling, tasting, and smelling) in your imagination pretend vision.  In other words, using only your imagination map out your feared event as if you are already doing it successfully!

This easy exercise only takes a few moments and is amazing in its treatment for many types of anxiety.  The mind needs to be fit – to be harnessed, happy, healthy.  Hypnosis works with the mind by using the right hemisphere where emotions, ideas, and creative imagination are held.  Just practicing this deliberate visualization can improve all areas of your life.  In our culture the right brain has been neglected. We are trained from grade one to focus on left brain logic, memory, order.  If we do not work with the other part of ourselves we can become unaware of why are bodies and minds are ‘off balance.’  We are all guilty of using our imaginations to scare ourselves senseless – it is the culprit that gets the body into trouble, and the imagination is what will restore the sensory balance for physical and mental relief.

Some people who suddenly feel anxious due to an accident or event can have their problem cured in one session. Others have more work to do but a full recovery is expected. Hypnotherapy is an empowerment and self-control tool for life.  It is fast, it is safe, it is lovely and it works!   If you are interested in having help with your anxiety we welcome enquiries.


Cherylann Thomas, BSc.Crim,CH,t is a Clinical Hypnotherapist Registered with the Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association.  She works out of West Kelowna, British Columbia passionately working with issues such as depression, anxiety, grief, loss, and abandonment.  Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are also amazing mental fitness processes to lose weight, stop smoking, and tackle any habit the beholder wants to be rid of.  Please see our website at http://www.mindmiracleshypnotherapy.ca AND like us on Facebook FOR DAILY INSPIRATION!  http://www.facebook.com/mindmiracleshypnotherapy .  Shares, likes and comments are greatly appreciated! xxoo

mental fitness


Are you feeling weak, anxious, depressed or stressed for nothing you can put your finger on?  You could be in the orbit of a malignant Narcissist.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a very real problem in today’s society and these extremely disturbed beholders will create much drama and trauma in the wake of their numerous intimate and social relationships throughout their lifetime.

No matter how smart you are, they have a genius way of making non narcissists feel confused, anxious, and stuck with them.

Sadly, if you have allowed yourself to be victim in the clutches of a narcissist chances are you doubt your own good senses to the point you’ve completely lost your ability to see things objectively.  Truthfully.  I’d like you to remember that you are capable.  You can solve problems.  You are okay but you have got to get away.

Hiding from Truth reduces our natural ability of feeling in control, strong, self-confident and capable.

It is very difficult to recognize the signs of a narcissist until the damage has been done. Please take this article as fair warning.

Narcissists push the buttons of emotionally reactive (normal) people and then watch the drama unfold in glee. This is how they get fed.  They need your emotional energy to survive because they have none.  But even still you will tend to only see the things you have in common.  You have so many things in common because the N will mirror his image for your pleasure until you are sucked right in.  So you want it to work.  Will it to work.  And all too often good folks are willing to give up their very identity in an attempt to make this (hopeless) relationship work until they are bled completely dry.

Symptoms of NPD

Narcissists secretly (sometimes overtly) feel superior to the rest of the general population.  They tend to have a lot of false pride — pride in things they did not earn themselves.  They will be jealous of your success and relationships and create mind-boggling interference (character assassination causing family, employment, or community & social alienation).  Narcissists are often sexually over-active, entitled, demanding, critical of others, and have cold views of people and the world.  N’s see people with feelings as weak, and make delicious meat out of their supply to feed themselves with.  They do not care who their supply is — even their own children are feed for the malignant narcissist vampire; so why do you think they would love you more?

Narcissists are men and women. They are CEO’s of corporations, volunteer or political organizations; they love to manage other people’s money and businesses…and they are heads of families. If they are not the leader they are the sidekick of someone with more standing than themselves in an attempt to morph themselves into the power they crave.

These beings do not seek mental health help (remember there is nothing wrong with them), but they sure can create self-doubt if their victim is not strong enough to ward off such brilliant manipulation.  More often than not the N’s target was already raised by one or more narcissists and find the abusive cycle familiar, comfortable…and so they dive in to the same kind of abusive relationship…again and again and again…until they (we) finally get it.

I was raised by two of them, and one sibling out of four made my life a living hell while I was engaged in co-dependent abusive relationships. I didn’t get it until I lost everything to the whims of the malignant narcissists I grew up with.  I was 50 when my mother died making sure she got the last word, leaving angry and very sad family drama in her wake. I finally see the insanity of my relationship with the narcissist. It can’t work. It is a co-dependent reign of confusion that will never end until one of the two participants finally leaves.

Trouble is, if you are repeatedly hurt and neglected and used and spoken ill of you may attract more of them in your adult years and you tend to stay in longer than is healthy or just go out and find new ones to abuse you.  It is like we become magnets for the same kind of abuse we experienced as younger, impressionable youths.

Who Are the Narcissists!?

Narcissists are your brother, sister, mother, father, daughter, son, best friend, boss, coworker…there is no discrimination to be a narcissist.  NPD is as common as any other labeled mental illness and it is in the DSM as a psychiatric disorder. There are no medications for such a problem, however. The Narcissist lacks conscious feeling and there is no drug or treatment that can grow a conscious feeling from nothing.

Sometimes your narcissist will at first glance appear to be like a knight in shining armor; or a prince or princess charming, if you will. Your own good unconscious mind may pick up that something is wrong right off the bat; maybe you will act on it, but the N will cry, and need you.  Then the old critical conscious mind wins by ignoring those powerful intuitions we are all born with.   Very soon the charismatic mask will slide off and what you will find underneath of your new relationship is about as ugly as it gets.  But by then most long-term sufferers have completely stopped listening to themselves and their own good judgement.

We let the narcissist in and share our secrets, stories, ambitions, and weaknesses.  Ah, the narcissist loves your weaknesses!  When you stop being obedient the N will take your secrets and hold them up to the light of day for everyone to see in an attempt to shame you, guilt you, reduce you in the eyes of others.  The narcissist gets a sick pleasure feeding off of the fears and worries and shames of others.  They will twist your words as they project their own ugly minds on you…as if you think like that.  You don’t.  Trust yourself.  Trust yourself.  Can I say that again?

That’s why I suggest so frequently to not listen to gossip!  If you feed on talk about someone you know nothing about soon you very well could be that mouth’s next target.  You can count on being next.

We have somehow learned to stop listening to our own wise inner selves and sacrifice our emotional well-being as we keep the abusive cycle alive. When we ignore our own Truth we can count on something giving.  Inside of yourself you will create stress, anxiety, depression, drug or alcohol abuse as a way of coping the uncontrollable dance with a malignant narcissist.

It’s Time to Take Control

First, practice trusting your intuition before you trust anyone else.  Next, when you finally come to the realization you are in a dangerous relationship do not confront the narcissist.  It will be like reasoning with their cousin, the serial killing psychopath.  And, it will give them time to find a way to control you even more dangerously.  There is no point to confronting an N at all because they cannot change.  And things can get very very bad for you if you do not make the break quickly and quietly.  Tell a few close friends what is happening before the break.  Protect your good name, children if involved, and assets before you make your escape.

The NPD can destroy your reputation and emotional well-being so masterfully it rarely gets confronted by their active listening audience, or even the supply herself.  You don’t know what the hell is going on so what can you do?  You wonder what is wrong with you and you keep trying to fix yourself to be better.  You never will be good enough as long as you allow creatures like this into your psyche.  I realize we have to live among all people to get along but this is one person you do not want to get too close, or reveal your innermost secrets to.  Not if you don’t want to feel the shame and embarrassment when your personal laundry gets aired out in public later…when you no longer toe the line.

You Are Better Than You Think!

You have the information.  Now it is up to you to give your head a shake and ask yourself if you are the problem, or is someone else making you the problem?  I do not pussyfoot around with aggressive or passive aggressive abusers in my life anymore.  I just cannot afford the risk after already losing everything to the N’s of my past.  Whenever I come in contact with another narcissist (they are in every circle) I run, not walk the other way as fast as I can without causing damage to myself.  If I must be in the company of a narcissist I have a protective bubble all around me as I observe with caution.

Your own intuition will never lead you wrong.  Listen to your good and far wiser Truth and enjoy the freedoms of life you are offered.  Your journey is suppose to be yours without fear, remember that.

Whoever ends the codependent cycle of narcissistic abuse wins.  For your sake and safety, make sure it is you.


Cherylann Thomas, BSc.Crim.,CH,t is a Registered Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist in Westbank BC, specializing in empowering her clients to emotional and mental freedom from abuse and trauma.  Helping her clients face the fear, worry, guilt, shame, depression, anxiety, grief, loss and despair is what finally brings her clients peace, strength and a renewed zest for life.   Check out her website and facebook at



You Will Never Be Enough

Another Broken Angel Grows New Wings! Hypnotherapy True Case That Will Even Get YOU Thinking!

This could be my story.  But it’s not.  I am but a conduit to an amazing transformation in a woman I want to share with you.  The background is very similar to my own so I feel blessed that I am able to witness yet another hypnotherapy miracle in action!  Be forewarned, you may cry while reading some of this story, but at the end you will feel tears of joy for this lady!

75 year old *Beth came to me utterly broken.  She was unable to speak almost, so very sick with emotional despair after the loss of her husband of some 55 years, preceding and following other piled up trauma that seemed impossible to work through and heal.  It has been five years since his death but her symptoms were not improving with time.

I prayed to our Universal God for help to work with this client who seemed so frail and lost sitting in my big chair at the studio. I secretly pray for help with all of my clients but this one I really wanted to see results as soon as possible.

Her story is alarming.  I do not believe in all of my years of counselling, life skills coaching, and as a Clinical Hypnotherapist to have heard such a horror story in a childhood background!  Sexual molestation from infancy to teenager.  Physical abuse.  Maternal neglect.  When Beth shared some of her stories with me I cried inside for that poor innocent child within this elderly, yet stunningly so youthful, lady before me.

Beth was somehow able to tuck all of her hurt and pain away for a life with her husband, whom she married when she was only 15 years old.  She never told *Doug that he actually saved her very life in that house of horrors she was raised in.  She didn’t tell him any of it until her parents were dead.  He would have killed them, that she knew.  She loved and appreciated her loving husband from saving her, loving her unconditionally, and protecting her for 55 years.  Together they made a home, raised children and grandchildren, and grew to depend on each other for everything.

She was 70 when he died.  Five years ago.  Her world collapsed although the death was expected.  During his dying journey, Doug, no matter how sick he was, got out of his bed and stood with his arms open to give his wife a hug in appreciation for her love and nursing.  He could barely lift his head up in the end.  But no matter what every night she would walk in to find him standing at the end of the bed wanting to hug his beloved wife.

And then he died.  My client was utterly and completely lost.  What can she do to survive the rest of her years when all of her life she had Doug to lean on!?  As it does in too many cases it really got deathly scary for my client.  Suicide ideation became a living nightmare. The trauma from childhood all rushed back as so often does in cases like this…compounded with her her lifeline, her husband, leaving her by dying…was just too much.  And just when you think this is all anyone could stand another worst case life event happened: Beth’s grandson (of twins) passed away suddenly at the tender age of 22!  Losses tend to pile up in enormous proportions for some souls.

I can’t remember how Beth found me, but she did.  Sitting in that chair the first day with her tears rolling down her face, stifling back sobs I so wanted to prove to her she was much more than all of the pain.   I told her my story.   Beth listened with wide eyes as I shared my own journey to self-actualization.  She saw me, sitting there, all fine and dressed and alive and thriving — and about to show her how to feel the same peace in her core, her heart.  I talked of my beloved deceased son,Trevor, who died a horrific death at the age of 25.  I told her the truth, that after his death people seemed to leave me in droves.  My own family.  I said I began to realize my family was never my real family…that I suffered emotional abuse and neglect from the time I was born and because it was all I knew I let it happen all the way up until my late 40s.  I shared how hypnotherapy connected me back to life.  Beth said she instantly believed I could help her and we began.

Beth first signed up for a series of hypnotherapy sessions designed to approach her unique challenges.  We had a lot of work to do so she committed herself to yet another series while her growth was emerging.  Ten sessions in all.   Before we began the progression to emotional wellness she made the decision that she wanted to, and was worth healing.  She had to be on board for emotional empowerment or none of this would work.  Beth’s ‘girl’ (unconscious strength, power, confidence and control) was ready to get down to business and she let her conscious critical mind take a rest as she explored and healed her incredibly wounded child within.

It took work to build a willingness to look at that what must be looked at.  But we got there.  Using various hypnosis therapies we got through the clutter, pain, extremely difficult emotional responses from life events.  Eventually, within a few weeks, Beth realized her own mission and internal power to make it happen.  After only a few hypnotic / therapy sessions she was amazed at what she was now feeling (energy, confidence, self-esteem, hope, faith, passion for life)!

She Prepares to Fly on her Own!

After Beth completed seven sessions she told me she was considering learning hypnosis and hypnotherapy to work with the elderly, especially those in hospice.   It seems all folks in pain and despair are offered by doctors these days are drugs to stunt feelings; to essentially just shut them up.  Nothing is done about the feelings and troubling emotions and anxiety that come with ageing.  The medical community just mask it all up and somehow think it will go away.  It doesn’t.  It never goes away if drugged.  Beth gets that now and wants to get out there to make a difference with her peers!

Beth has been intimately practicing hypnosis in my therapeutic chair, and the results are so empowering has now signed up to take a course in Vancouver to make herself a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist!  Will you please think about this for a moment and understand the magnitude of the healing in this soul?  75 year old Beth’s goal is to either work or volunteer to in hospice or palliative care using hypnosis to relieve the emotional pain that goes with dying!   I can assure you of this fact, Beth, if ANYONE can and will make this happen for her clients.  She is alive.  She is thriving…and because of her upcoming career she is going to continue to spread her angel dust every where she goes.  I am blessed to know this amazing woman!

People of trauma do make the best healers.  If they can find a way to recover emotionally and mentally they seem to want to give back the same gift.  That is how I found my way to my humble hypnotherapy practice.  Every day I get to go and work with people just like Beth and facilitate them back the life they were intended to have!  How FREAKING LUCKY can I get!!!

I have tears in my eyes tonight as today was the last professional hypnotherapy session I’ll have with Beth.  She is strong.  She is confident.  She has the internal power to make anything happen that she wants.  We decided to keep in touch and it will be my pleasure to continue to know this amazing amazing woman, who came from a place so painful even I couldn’t imagine; and yet is able to find a new life passion at 75 years of age.  THAT’S A MIRACLE FOLKS!

We are all miracles when we decide to heal the past.  God bless anyone in pain as they read this.  If you cannot afford hypnotherapy please go to YouTube (not the entertainment kind, that never lasts and barely anyone can be hypnotized in that fashion) and learn about the process for yourself.  Dr. Brian Weiss has some really good inductions you can gain peace from.  You will be amazed at how strong your mind is when you learn how to get rid of the old clutter and teach yourself to love and have self compassion instead of fear, guilt, worry, resentment and the uglies that have no place destroying an otherwise good life and potential journey.

Thank you Beth, for touching me so deeply with your life experiences.  You amaze me…I am in awe.  Doug is looking down on you and doing his happy dance for your new chapter in this lifetime.  That is a fact!

  • Names and certain unimportant details have been altered to protect my client.

Note:  There are some countries/states/provinces who do not permit hypnotherapy to be used for depression and anxiety.  I guess those places want to support the local gazillion dollar pharmaceutical conglomerates.  Sorry for my cynicism in advance!  The good news is many licensed psychiatrists and psychologists have hypnotherapy certification as well, and are certainly allowed to work with trauma.  Please do some research.

Proven results!
“The greatest success in providing lasting change occurred with hypnosis (93% recovery after 6 sessions), followed by behaviour therapy (72% recovery after 22 sessions), and then psychotherapy (38% recovery after 600 sessions).” –Alfred A. Barrios, PhD in Psychotherapy Magazine, Volume 7, Number 1


Cherylann Thomas, B.Sc.Crim.,CH,t is Registered with the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association.  She specializes in cases of depression, anxiety, fears & phobias, panic, grief, loss, abandonment, childhood trauma…as well as weight loss and other self-defeating habits you care to say goodbye to.  Call for more information by visiting her website at http://www.mindmiracleshypnotherapy.ca or like her on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/mindmiracleshypnotherapy

I Woke Up One Day And Said...WTF- There

Under Construction

Reactions to stressful events or people can be the reason for a downfall.  The initial problem/situation will pass, but poor reaction and coping skills can make things much worse.  To protect yourself try not to emotionally react.  Have a bath, sip some wine, take a long run or walk, dunk your head in the toilet I don’t care.  Just don’t make any decisions that could affect you negatively later!   Doubling our problems is what we do when over-reacting, so save yourself the added pain and tend to yourself gently in stressful times.

We have the potential to use the imagination to build and live a happy life.  More often than not people use their own imagination to make themselves sick with heightened emotions of anger, resentment, worry, fear, guilt, shame even rage.  The most damage is done during this time period.  Some tend to react impulsively if the emotions take over too much leading to murder, suicide, and accidental death.  People can make extremely expensive mistakes socially, emotionally, and financially.

I am sure anyone reading this can remember a time that emotional reaction made a situation far worse than it had to be.  What if I said you don’t need those reactions to get the problem solved, and everyone walking away feeling fine?

Don’t Let Your Emotions Get in Your Way!

What if You Make a Permanent Decision on Incomplete information?

Stop.  Learn to breathe.  Communicate with folks.  Find stuff out.  Don’t assume as it truly does make an ASS out of U and Me.

My other message is other people’s reactions are not your problem.  I don’t care how folks typically respond to urgent situations, it’s not okay to allow yourself to be an emotional punching bag, or insignificant, not important, disposable.  People will always try to find a scapegoat for their mishaps, it’s your job to not allow it.

I’d love the same for you.  Save yourself from making things much worse, creating real emotional pain.  Avoid making ANY decisions in times of stress and anxiety.  And please, don’t tolerate someone else dumping on you during their meltdown.  Peace and love for all…

1 reaction to problem 2

What if Your Wounds Lead You To Your Purpose?

What if there really is a good reason for our emotionally painful life experiences? What if it was to prepare us for our journey to come?

At the cell level of my being I understand pain, fear (terror), resentment, loneliness and even envy of what others had and I did not. I use to think I was one of the most unfortunate souls to walk the earth, the mother of a child who died. While I once said giving birth to a baby was painful; I soon learned I would experience even harsher torture when I had to give Trevor back 25 years later.

When I did begin to investigate to find out why I couldn’t seem to find any emotional peace in my life I realized that the image of myself was all wrong for me. I didn’t belong there. I was better than that. I didn’t fit in the not so merry place of victimland where “Oh Woes Me” could be heard for miles. After a while I never really felt comfortable in that role and I somehow sensed there had to be more for me.  I recalled when I was a 16 year old mess my stepmother looked in my eyes, deeply, and said, “Cheryl, you are special.  Don’t ever forget that.”   I hung onto those words because I needed them for a lifeline from time to time, and they are the words I clung to when I decided to throw caution to the wind and find my own truth.

It was hard because I have a whole shitload of trauma and drama most people would never be able to lift out of. If you knew my complete story (and some of you reading do); you would all understand if I just packed up my bags and lived in self pain for the rest of my miserable life. YOU would be compassionate and understand, but I somehow felt there was better for me.

I had to get tough with myself. No more lying inside to attempt to make myself OR SOMEONE ELSE feel better. That didn’t work. No more lying and secrets, shame and stuffing. Time to get real. When I finally did GET IT I was pleasantly surprised to find my own Truth is actually very special. Who I am. What I am. And where I am going all became very clear to me. I know now I’ll never look back.

My new attitude doesn’t mean I don’t still hurt myself from time to time with my own human impulses.  And I can get just as reactive as the next guy (sometimes that show really looks ridiculous), but today I look at it like I make mistakes, but I am no longer ‘a’ mistake.  And I ignore set backs.

Sometimes the worst of the worst has to happen to us before we are ready to use available tools (and there are options for everyone when we look) to recover from trauma.

I learned I had to stop being a baby and to realize I am not the only suffering soul. There are people out there far worse off than me and when I open my eyes and see how much I really do have I immediately have emotional peace.

I should be more compassionate at times when I see the whining and crying over everyday minute solvable things; I realize it irritates me only because I was there too and perhaps I’m mad at myself for not understanding sooner.  Petty gossip to reduce your friend just about drives me around the bend. We don’t take responsibility anymore. Everything is everyone else’s fault or we are a victim of circumstances. What if you are suffering because you like to? Perhaps this is what your psyche is use to and so you keep doing it?

I suggest we are better than that, under the clutter. You (yes you!) are an amazing person with a potential for an amazing mission. Lift up out of the bowels of emotional despair and find your hero within.  When this is achieved I suspect you too will find your wounds actually do lead you to your exciting life purpose.  The walls will all come down and you’ll not only think outside of your old box, you’ll see there is no box at all!

That’s my message, that’s all. I don’t want to pick on anyone feeling down and out.  It would hurt me if I knew my message hurt someone who is feeling powerless right now. My intention for writing today holds two thoughts: 1. I like to share to inspire people up, and 2. I like to vent (sound out my passion) this way. I find it therapeutic. 🙂  If this did not suit your story that is fine too. ❤


Cherylann Thomas, B.Sc.Crim, CH,t is a seasoned Clinical Hypnotherapist practitioner working out of Wesk Kelowna, BC Canada. She specializes in mental illness resolution including depression, anxiety, mood disorders, grief, loss, sexual abuse, childhood trauma.  Cherylann is trained using the latest therapeutic hypnotic techniques including suggestion, regression, PLRegression, Parts and Cords therapies for habits, loss and abandonment.


I Put My Eyes Inside of Myself and Guess What I Found?

If you are open, or ready, you will hear me today 🙂  This is big.  And kinda deep.  Be forewarned you may find your own life’s question here today!

The Truth to everything I needed to know about myself was inside of me all along.  I just didn’t dare look.  Based on the harshness of my upbringing, and cruel tapes I continued to play regarding my horrible self (in my mind) how could I comfortably look inside of me without risking finding I am the devil incarnate or something worse?

After I closed my eyes, plugged my nose, and jumped in to myself, instead of finding Ted Bundy’s sister, I found a vision of beauty.  I found my core intentions are usually about a pure as they could get!  I see flaws, I see many mistakes, and when I put it into proportion to my story, I feel instant forgiveness!   Today when I look at myself I see more awesomeness than the bad stuff!  What I thought would be the most painful thing to do, ended up being the easiest ride I’ve had my entire life!  Easy, and addicting and healthy!

Sometimes investigating our feelings and behaviors is the hardest thing to do.  Our disturbance makes us feel moody, off balance, uncertain.  Soon enough the negative (dark) emotions overtake the good light and energy from our always decaying bodies.  They weigh heavy on our heart, spirit, soul, that we can hardly function sometimes.  Feelings can become a physical sickness if the root of the disturbance is never brought to light. It can be terminal by accident, homicide or suicide, or death by utter heartbreak.

Anger.  Fear.  Worry.  Guilt.  Shame.  Jealousy.  Envy.  Self loathing. Insecurity.  These are our enemies.  This is stress and anxiety right there.  These are our demons that have to be conquered to feel well emotionally.  And what do we do?  We keep feeding them.  We allow them to reside inside of ourselves for long periods of time.  The energy suckers just keep getting bigger and bigger creating havoc and conflict and covering up our actual strong, beautiful, amazing selves.

Some people think our emotions are impossible to be rid of because they are a part of our being, our core.  And some say I am asking too much.   The nay-sayers swear emotions are created by something not in their control.  Serotonin or a person did it too us.  Not so grasshopper, not so.  If you can imagine the worst, the way you are, you can imagine the best!  You have always had full control but no one ever told you that.  They said you were sick, or a hopeless sinner.  They judged you with their vivid imagination.  And you allowed your imagination to see the same bullshit someone else told you was wrong.  Your thinking, feelings, emotions…all learned imaginary beliefs, or made up by yourself.

Our God-given purity is so encased in negative and disruptive emotions we hardly know our true selves anymore.  We begin to act out.  Alcohol, pot, and anti-depressant abuse takes over until our brains are so nicely flat-lined, we just don’t care anymore.  We become apathetic to our living situations. Our hell.  We get use to it.  It becomes as real as anything solid to us.  My message is that we are held back only by our limited belief systems.  Me…you…all of us are in this together.  Most of us have indulged in the feel-good quick fix, am I lying?

If we learned how to deal with our troubling emotions, and allowed ourselves to be completely honest, we would all be walking around free with a heart full of passion and a head full of gratitude instead of all of this stress and anxiety.

I want you to do something (please).  Take your most troublesome emotion.   Name one.  Look closely at what it is, and what it means.  Do you own it or is it a lie you have accepted into yourself?  For example, if you are walking around with a heavy heart of guilt, or shame, put it up to the light of day and take a good hard look at it.  Do you own that?  Do you deserve a lifetime of self-abuse because you are to be ashamed of yourself, or guilty for some infraction during your life?  Did you do it deliberately?  Is it something you can change?  Was your intention to harm some one or some thing?  If not, what, exactly, are you holding onto the shame or guilt for???

Are you filled with fear and anxiety?  What is going on there I wonder?!  Look inside, you know it, you remember everything.  Once you find the Truth in the emotion your symptoms will diminish instantly because you will know exactly what to do to ‘solve’ the problem, or you may there is nothing to do about it at all.  Inside of your true core self you will find you are innocent, safe, and in control of everything, and the renewed power feels GREAT!

When you finally allow the truth to surface in the face of your feelings, you will be AMAZED at how beautiful, and wonderful, the Truth really is!  You were never suppose to give up!  The subject is even crazy to consider, isn’t it?  If you are so foreign to the rest of us humans and you care to punish yourself forever that is another matter.  Then you have to go inside and find out why you beat yourself so harshly for your human frailties.  Sure, figure out what it is you need to change about yourself.  Admit it.  Own it.  And now stop it.  Done.  It really is that simple, and you really do have that much control over yourself.  Have you given yourself life for this infraction?  Is that appropriate?   We are but a sum of learned thinking and feeling.  We are better than whatever that looks and feels like.

Through the ages we have been brainwashed by either pharmaceutical commercials or religious organizations to believe we have no control over our emotional or physical well being.  That God or drugs will save us, nothing else.   I am saying we are trained, generation before generation since the beginning of time that we are NOT to depend on our own good common sense!  We are sinners!  We are Sick!  Only GOD or Effexor will bring you back to life, depending on your belief system.   The trouble is, these are lies for most of the population in emotional trouble!   Our very own girl (or boy) inside is pure, healthy, fit, powerful, confident, and in control of everything.   Not only that, we are really filled with love, compassion and JOY!  In every generation before us higher powers have tried (and really succeeded didn’t they?) to take our gift of free will (control over selves) away in the name of power, control, money.  W to believe in something other than ourselves and that is the worst mistake a spirit can make…believing it!

The more lies, secrets, shame we stuff, the more we lose of that better part of ourselves.   The more we lose our light.

Let’s look at another emotion you may be harboring, driving yourself crazy with.  Anger.  I was once told by a mentor of mine, years ago, that any anger I hang onto, is anger at myself and myself alone.  I said that makes no sense.  Someone did me wrong, robbed me, and I can be angry, right?  She said, “Right.”  For a minute.  Then you deal with it, talk about it, get it out in the open – or end something you have no control over.  Anything after that is you, and you need to see what you are so mad at yourself for.  Chances are it will be something like you picked him, or stayed too long, or didn’t speak up, or could have moved and didn’t…you get my meaning.  All emotions belong solely to the beholder.  Think about the last time you were angry for a long period of time at someone, or some situation.  It stuck to you like a stickly black toxic poison and you allowed it to stay a while.  I’ll tell you why.  You did something wrong and were mad at yourself.  Done.  Owning your stuff is the key to ending the free rent for enemy feelings.  The next thing to do is forgive yourself and decide to do it even better next time.  Learn, let go, live.  We are born to make mistakes, we are not A mistake!

But you see here is the problem:  Many of us were raised in situations that created negative tapes in our heads.  We learned to play these tapes, over and over and over in our own little vulnerable minds, beating the living life out of ourselves, because of these messages we learned to think, “I am stupid.”  “I am ugly.”  “I am too ____.”  or my favorite of all, “I am _____,”.  Name your judgment because that is all it is…a learned judgment.  They are not facts.  They have no power because they are not real.  They are the figment of the imagination, typically brought on by an experience, an outside judgment, or a series of experiences that made our minds add one and one and come up with something not true.  And then we feed that to oblivion sometimes.

Today is a good day to take a peek at what is really going on inside.  Pull out any emotion you choose, and decide you are done feeling it.  Look at it carefully, examine all sides.  If it is yours, do something about it.  If it is not yours, or if it is not a proven fact, shift your imagination to something else.  Something better for yourself.  It all starts with a new thought, the seed of everything.

Wishing everyone reading this love, peace and light.

Cherylann Thomas


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Cherylann Thomas is a Clinical Hypnotherapist registered with the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association operating a successful hypnotherapy practice in West Kelowna, British Columbia.  Skype Service is available.


What Does Stress Do to Your Body?

Stress gets the award for the highest ranking disorder in causing death.  Heart disease, cancers of all varieties, skin diseases, liver and kidney disease; even suicide and murder are inspired by..you got it, stress.

Close your eyes, and imagine your own body for a moment.  And feel all of that emotional pain of fear, worry, guilt, shame, anger, resentment again.  Just for a minute.  Where do you feel this in your body?  Is it in your chest?  Your heart and lungs could be at risk for dis-ease.  Does something stir up in your tummy area?  Your intestines, bowel, stomach, liver and kidneys are being ravaged by the stress you carry.  Maybe you feel the ANX in your abdomen and you often experience health issues in that area. Or, if you remember your emotional pain as being felt in the head (usually the enemy beasts of anger and resentment) you may have ache, or even some difficulty with the physical brain.

Take a moment to focus really hard on what your emotional upset is doing to that part of your body.  Think of it as black.  Prickly.  Heavy.  Poisonous.  and just watch it (in your mind’s eye) swirl around and attack your insides.

If that doesn’t inspire you to do something about the weights you carry around with you then nothing will.  Stress comes from overwhelming feelings of worry, fear, guilt, shame, anger, resentment.  All of these emotions are useless to our psyche, but we tend to fall back to them every time a little incident happens in our lives.  Sometimes we let those energy suckers hang around so long within us, we begin to feel the disease of the stress on a physical level.  Tense muscles come from stress, so walking around like a pinched up peg isn’t going to be good for the bones, joints, and muscles either.  Sometimes new unsubstantiated diagnoses come then, followed by, you guessed it, more drugs.

Contrary to what the commercials tell us, we do have control over our own emotions.  Sometimes we don’t think we do, but we really do have all of the control we need to manage ourselves.  When we think we have no control we are at risk of believing the filthy rich pharmaceutical companies who would like you to believe that Serotonin, a chemical imbalance issue, is the culprit to your feelings and drugs are needed. Trillions of dollars and millions of lost lives later, we see that we still don’t have a blood test to verify what we have been fed on that matter.  No matter who I talk to, the ones prescribed and taking psychiatric drugs, all firmly believe that they are mentally sick forever, and the drugs will be needed forever. Frequent dosage increases are needed as the drug adjusts itself to the brain.

What if the DRUG WITHDRAWAL is making you feel unstable?

People just don’t see that they feel ‘mental’ when they try to stop taking the drugs, because the drug got itself addicted to your brain almost immediately (just like heroin) and trying to stop makes the brain feel very unstable.  So, people believe they really do have a physical issue and no control over making their lives better and carry on with their drug solution.

If only we could end stress the drug free way.  If we would teach young and old people coping skills to feel more peace of mind, we would be doing humanity a huge service.  What is going on now is not only creating early deaths, it is making us mindless mental pygmies; slaves to the anti-depressant and other psychiatric medication to overcome feelings.

Dare to look at what your stress is doing to your body.  Look close and ask yourself if you really need to live like that, or if maybe you do have more inside power than you ever gave yourself credit for.  I challenge you that you do have a superhero inside of YOU just waiting to be unleashed from all of the heaviness you allow to stay around.  Stop it.  Get up off the couch and go get yourself some coping skills.  There are free support groups everywhere.  Other than actual brain damage, there is no excuse for anyone to live in pain, alone…and drugged!

It is our secrets, our shames, our stuffing of things that need to be out in the open that will lead to stress and early death. Go find out why you do that, and your new lovely life will begin!

God bless you everyone.  I wish you all love, peace of mind and extreme happiness!

Cherylann Thomas, B.Sc.Crim, CH,t is a Clinical Hypnotherapist practitioner working out of the Family Wellness Centre in Westbank.  Specializing in:  anxiety, depression, phobias, and weight loss.  Using a variety of techniques including regression therapy, parts therapy and suggestion therapy to empower clients find their own inner power.  Skype service now available.  778-755-4001.  http://www.mindmiracleshypnotherapy.ca


Who is Your REAL Enemy?

When referring to enemies we often think they are the people who work against us, in social or employment situations perhaps. Enemies can be dangerous beings, creating problems for us in our communities, or work; and even family situations.  We don’t need or want enemies in our circles because to allow enemy-folk to linger around we can soon begin to experience self-doubt, confusion,  loss of energy, until finally there is loss of reputation in some cases.

But who is your real enemy?  

Dare to think of your enemies differently.  I suggest all of your enemies live within yourself.  Yep.  I said that. People seem to be completely unaware of how much stress weighs on our minds and bodies.  Stress comes from the enemy, and I’ll get to just what that is in a minute.  When we allow the enemy to reside inside of ourselves for any length of time without doing anything about it, even allowing it to grow…like a bad weed, we experience the exact same torturous sensations as if someone else had done damage to us.

The enemy are: Worry, Fear, Anger, Resentment, Shame, Guilt, Jealousy, Envy, Self-loathing, Rage.

Never under-estimate these enemies possibly residing in you!  The dark black energies can be absolutely powerful, torturing your mind with racing thoughts, self-delusions, constant tension.  Sometimes the extremes of these emotions lead people into serious depression and anxiety, requiring medication to try to dull some of the pain; sometimes worse, they choose suicide.  Sometimes the EMOTIONAL enemies can turn into an actual physical pain throughout the body, due to all of that stress being carried around.  Some lash out at others, all the way to murder.

People’s emotions create a lot of drama and trauma in this world so I beg to say they are important to deal with.

Whether you tend to beat on yourself, or lash out at others, the result is exactly the same.  Weakness, low self-esteem, extremely sensitive, unfocused thoughts, foggy brain and I could go on with the symptoms of ‘not dealing with feelings.’ If we don’t understand and deal with our own alarming feelings then we tend to push them away…down…down onto our precious subconscious mind who wants us healthy, happy, and free!

Sometimes the feelings get pushed down so much drugs (legal and street) or alcohol is needed to relieve the emotional pain. And yet the pain persists, eventually.

All the while our unconscious power-mind keeps attempting to get through to your conscious, critical mind.  The conscious mind is not who you are.  It is what you have learned.  This is what any other situation would call brain-washing.  We are conceived with the unconscious mind…providing us instinct and all we need at that birthing time…and would follow us to our death and crossing over.  This part of our new us feel our mothers first in the womb.

Then our conscious mind was born…learning how to be…Was your mom anxious?  Depressed?  Did she fly off in a rage every now and then?  What enemy was your mother struggling with?  Chances are you have invited the same bugger to live inside of you!  Perhaps you invited the stranger in after a serious life trauma, a loss, a death.  Were you raised to think you were a little more entitled than anyone else?  You may suffer with the enemy of jealousy, envy, and rage.  Maybe your family was poor, and stressed, and had no coping skills themselves, so allowed the enemies of all kinds to rage on in the circle.

What would happen if you agreed the enemy prevents you from THRIVING?  Would you be more willing to unload it?  Fix it?  Accept it?

The really interesting thing about these enemies is that we do not need them to survive!  Worried about your mortgage?  How about your children doing poorly in school?  Is your job at risk?  Think about this for a moment…you do not need the worry in these (or any) situation!  The worry is going to change nothing.   You can listen and respect the worry for what it is, but you don’t need to pack your bags and live in the worry to exist!  Let the worry go and get to work at what has to be tended to instead!

Sometimes the best looking families, the ones with all of the houses and cars and boats and vacations and 2.5 children and a little designer dog hold the darkest secrets of them all.  They learn how to put that shiny smile on for all of the world to see and envy, only to find inside is a hideous secret no one dares talk about.  You can bet mom is pill popping to deal and dad is indulging in a little too much whiskey in such a mess.  The children are acting out by indulging in risky behaviors…you know the families.  Sometimes the most beautiful looking family has the ugliest secrets.

I’ve said before and I’ll probably say it a lot, we have at least two notable minds, our conscious mind, and our unconscious mind.  Our unconscious mind is the holder of our first seed, the holder of all of our truths, whether we want to face them or not, and the part of ourselves that will allow you to soar…if you pay attention.  The unconscious mind keeps us safe while we are driving in a daydream (trance).  She or he will knock loudly on your conscious door if there is danger ahead…but we have to pay attention to it or risk regretting doing something.

Our unconscious mind does not like being stuffed upon, or drugged.  She loves to be listened to, and strengthens us every time we practice doing this and acting on what it is we must do, in spite of how hard it is. It’s our conscious mind, the one we think with right now that gets us in trouble every time. The one that is first critical and judgmental, ask questions later.  This is the mind that has been trained since our birth on how to think and feel…by our guardians.  Unless you have had a very strong, independent unconscious mind keeping your conscious mind in good moral and healthy check, we are at risk for mental illness when we let the enemy control our conscious mind.

Sometimes the energies of fear or anger or shame get so overwhelming, we don’t know where to begin to actually deal with something.

Listen to your enemies No enemy can do as much damage to your mental well-being more than your own emotions out of check. 

To find your advanced, beautiful, strong, and powerful self, I suggest you start by paying attention to your feelings.  As soon as an emotion comes over you, ask yourself what this is…what is it about?  Get real with it.  If your normal response is to push down unpleasant things, you are at extreme risk of mental illness problems down the road.  Of course some things can be let go, and we never feel it or let it disturb us again.  I’m not talking about those feelings, I’m talking about the chronic ones.  The one’s that keep you down and away from peace of mind and happiness.

I’ve said before, we need to feel it, to heal it.  Once you find that warrior courage to look inside and find what it is holding you back, and honestly take care of the matter once and for all, the breathtaking emotion of freedom will literally knock you off your feet.  I promise.



Curing Mental Illness

Curing Mental Illness

Had a great conversation with someone I consider to be a wonderful mentor Rob Hadley.  It is amazing what he is doing with his clinic, Vancouver Hypnotherapy.  Rob is also the owner of Harlequin, a hypnosis show he does for entertainment purposes for Dry Grad programs around the province.

But hypnosis and hypnotherapy are so much more than entertainment. It is a powerful process designed to help clients get to the root of what is disturbing them emotionally.

Rob and I are on the same page when it comes to matters of mental illness. We both believe other forces are at work within a person, than a vague promise that one has a chemical imbalance, in fact, the idea of the reduction of Serotonin as the culprit for instability is so disputed now, they don’t even bring it up anymore in most educated cases.

People have been hypnotized into believing something beyond their control is responsible for their extreme emotions, feelings of panic, unknown fear, a pending doom sensation. Sometimes the disturbance is very unnerving and scary with voices and hallucinations. I call it a disturbance, but is it really?

The pharmaceutical company’s propaganda has worked well: “You need these drugs because you have a chemical imbalance, just like a diabetic needs insulin, you need a pill.” And we listened to that! And we believed it without one thought to the real fact that you can get tested for diabetes and the insulin will show improvement. There is no such test for the chemical they say we lack in our brains for heaven’s sake! How on earth do we buy into that? Consider the marketing. The commercials, “Have you been feeling down, loss of interest in activities, ask your doctor….” And we all know when you go to the doctor you are going to get a drug. They have nothing else for us.

Our intense upsetting feelings, in my opinion, are signals from our unconscious mind, trying to break through the conscious mind, the critical mind, to tell us something.   Have you ever had a ‘feeling’ you should do something, or not do something, and went ahead and did it anyway only to regret it?  That was your smart unconscious mind talking to you!  We maybe need to deal with something by tending to ourselves gently and compassionately.   Learning the art of self-care is the most powerful talent you can do for yourself, especially after a loss, or a trauma, until you gain your composure back.

Or perhaps our unconscious mind is telling us we are lying to ourselves, keeping a disturbing secret to protect ourselves, or someone else. Recently psychologists are theorizing that shame is the seed of all depression.  Whatever label you want to give for sadness, loneliness, loss of interest, lethargic…I see people lifting out of even the most serious of ‘mental illness’ when they approach it with entirely different eyes.

Whatever is going on, we may not know in the conscious mind, but trust me, your unconscious mind knows the truth and is waiting for your conscious mind to catch up. Our unconscious mind is our best friend. It is us, as perfect beings the way we were born. And she doesn’t like drugs!

If we let negative events and situations control us, and we let these feelings sit and fester for a prolonged period of time, we are bound to feel the weight of it physically after a while. If our stress is so great, and we do not take care of ourselves, it will get worse. Does that make any sense to anyone else?

It is a well known fact that stress attacks our organs, including skin. If we hold onto such feelings for any length of time, feelings of emotional instability will set in, and that emotional stress/pain will begin to attack your organs.  Where do you feel your stress in the body when you are stressed? In the chest? Stomach? Head? That is where the energy is attacking your body and you will get sick in that area if left neglected.

The Similarities Between Anti-Depressant Medication and Heroin.

Anti-depressants can work for a while. After a time, it’s a physical addiction. Let’s not mince words. No more hiding. Just like heroin, psychiatric medication works for a while and then more often than not it becomes more of a problem, than solution.

As soon as one feels upset it seems the quickest and easiest answer is to take a drug to inhibit the emotional response of the brain. Why are we allowing this? For the most part we wouldn’t go out and take heroin if we fell sad.  I know I never started heroin because I feared that after one ‘hit’ (or whatever they call it) I would be addicted.  I did not consider how addicting psychiatric drugs can be!

Have you looked up the side affects to your brain medication lately? People tend to gloss over the serious warnings as if they are not even there. They don’t care. They are either apathetic by now, or in their mind the drugs are working for them because whenever they stop the symptoms re-appear, sometimes even worse than before.  Lives are not ‘improved’ on any psychiatric drug. They are not designed to cure. They are designed to cover our feelings up.

An alcoholic who abstains from alcohol for years and suddenly starts again find their alcoholism symptoms are magnified drastically and drink even more than they did when they stopped years before.  If we cover up our feelings with any kind of substance, including legal prescription drugs, the symptoms will come back like a tidal wave when you stop the drug.  So, people choose to stay on heroin until they die, or are institutionalized.  People are choosing to stay mentally ill, and on doctor ordered medication, rather than deal with the tidal wave of emotions that comes when we are suppose to deal with something.

Perhaps the general public is not keenly aware that the same kinds of side affects are found in people withdrawing from anti-depressants and anti-psychotics. Increased risks of suicide and murder are just one nasty thing to watch out for when you decide to stop taking the drugs. Emotions are extremely prickly when we stop taking our psychiatric medication and the degrees of severity depends on how much you are taking, and for how long.

It’s ugly, and the saddest part of all is that all too often people believe they are chronically mentally ill after they try to come off of their legal prescription drugs. I’ve heard time and time again in my practice that they need the relief, because every time they came off their life fell apart. I know. I know all about it, it happened to me. Along with six psychiatric labels and no less than 19 different types of serious brain drugs I know how long it takes to get your brain back to the way it was suppose to be before the chemicals.

It took me a full year to feel back to balance after the drugs the doctors had ordered for my mental wellness.  A full year of hell, I might add. But I pushed through. I told a friend what I was doing. I was very careful. After I knew I was fully weaned i went for help by seeing a Clinical Hypnotherapist in White Rock. I engaged in 14 sessions and my life has never been the same since that time. I found myself. I found my inner power in hypnosis. I found God again in hypnosis. I learned how to deal with the eventual emotions we all feel from time to time, and I learned to never let them run wild again.  My rewards for finally taking care of myself continue to astonish me.  I am free!  I am alive!  I am at peace.

Life is going to happen with or without me drugged up. I can get a grip. I got a grip. I won’t keep secrets that matter anymore either. It gets me in trouble sometimes, but I’ve never felt stronger. I’m passionate about my message and I have good reason to be. And I’m excited that after years of NO passion, YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL BACK TOO!

But Schizophrenics are VERY SICK and need the drugs for safety!!!

Rob and I were talking about schizophrenia and how this ‘mental illness’ is only known as a disease in North America. In Africa, Rob suggests, people with schizophrenia are honored, and give information that the people believe as information from the spirit world. It is only in North America (or was it western world, Rob?) where we treat emotional imbalances as a sickness.

What if extreme signals such as auditory voices, visions, heightened vision, hearing, and feeling power, are really a spiritual emergency of some kind? What if we, a society who is based on science, are actually covering up something very beautiful with drugs?

What if the western world has it all wrong, and here we are, drugging to escape what our ancestors have had to feel and deal with drug free for millions of years?

I believe that it’s almost criminal to sell the idea that feelings of deep sadness, panic, fear, etc. are a sickness, and that is the ONLY information we are getting from our government…completely dis-empowering the weak even more.

Of course my first suggestion for help is to find a clinical hypnotherapist in your area who is trained in Regression and Parts Hypnotherapy.  The change in you will amaze you!  I am offering Skype Hypnotherapy Services to people who cannot find one in their area.

If you cannot afford hypnotherapy, I will suggest finding other ways to get to the root of what is bothering you so deeply in any way you can.  Find a support group, or find a drug free mental health organization who can help.  Help is out there, but we have to open our eyes to find it.


Please help me share the message that our government has to open up its’ eyes and see that the drug solution has become the problem. We need more help for people in despair! We have all of the resources and tools to help people in severe emotional pain, and yet all we do is feed them another pill. It’s a disgrace what we are doing to our people by ignoring all other treatment options besides medicating. . I don’t buy that answer for help anymore.  Have I changed your mind at all?